Inferno #2 Review

Writer: Jonathan Hickman

Art: Stephanie Caselli, David Curiel, VC’s Joe Sabino, Tom Muller, Jerome Opeña, and Frank Martin

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: October 27th, 2021

Using her mutant abilities of resurrection, along with her memories, Moira MacTaggert spearheaded the creation of Krakoa. However, the problem with every thriving nation is that someone is always working in the dark getting their hands dirty in secret. So, due to Destiny’s mutant abilities of seeing the future, Moira commanded Professor Xavier and Magneto to block her resurrection status. Needless to say, this set her wife Mystique into a cunning rage spiral that resulted in Destiny’s own resurrection. But how was Mystique able to pull this off? Is it really a resurrected Destiny or is it just some “sinister” clone or mutant in disguise? Let’s dive into INFERNO #2 by Jonathan Hickman and Stephanie Caselli to see if we can discover any of these answers while Moira’s House of Cards begins to blow over.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


Let me start by saying how much I missed a good Jonathan Hickman story. The explanation, the angles, the foresight, the planning, the layout, and the architecture of a Hickman comic are unrivaled. And let me also confess that this issue of INFERNO is no different. For a story with very little action, readers will be mesmerized by interwoven narrative designs, multistage story developments, and dastardly schemes scratching at the surface by all characters involved. Furthermore, the temper and composition development in this issue were simply off the charts. Frankly, this is what I anticipated each and every issue of Hickman’s X-MEN run diagrammed to represent. Alas, I was mistaken. However, on a positive note, it’s finally come to fruition throughout INFERNO #2 and X-MEN should be exceedingly energized.

Did you want answers to how and why Destiny is back? Well, you’ll get them his week! Or, would you like to find out Moira’s countermeasure? Well, you’ll see some of that too. Moreover, as a huge Benjamin Percy X-FORCE fan, you’ll be pleased to see the ending that will amplify the importance of that title. So, if you’re not reading X-FORCE, I’d get on that if I were you! However, as Hickman’s run comes closer and closer to an end, we are genuinely getting some answers! Isn’t that a novel idea?!

Ultimately, the only aspect of this week’s INFERNO lacking was the Orchis angle and progression. Readers fascinated by the Forge and Nimrod will get little development on that front. Nevertheless, this reviewer couldn’t help but welcome the push to the side in order to thoroughly dig up the juicy drama and controversy that’s been dangling in the Krakoan open since HOXPOX. Plus, my assumption is that Hickman is either going to focus more on that throughout issue 3 of INFERNO or he’s just going to leave that aspect of the series on the cutting room floor for Duggan, Percy, and the others to explore as the X-MEN titles move forward.


Who could argue against Stephanie Caselli ushering in this exquisite issue of INFERNO? His panel layouts were masterful while his almost poetic visuals involving the character’s anger and snarky behavior helped fortify the story in such a meaningful and vital way. Furthermore, his knack for detail was astounding. From the reflections in the Cerebro Helmet to the enamored glow of the colors bombarding this issue, Caselli and his creative team simple dazzle. Moreover, I can’t emphasize the sheer importance of the character’s emotional reactions throughout INFERNO this week. It’s what drew this fan deeper and deeper into the issue making me feel almost like a fly on the wall from start to finish.


The emotion alone throughout INFERNO #2 is truly off the charts. And for a comic utilizing very little dynamic action, I couldn’t have left more excited for this next installment. Readers get answers to long-awaited questions as well as purpose and direction. Panels and pages that were hinted at in prior X-MEN issues are flushed out with more detail while Hickman creatively manages to use his page count strategically and almost gracefully with the help of Caselli and the rest of this creative team.

Sadly, it’s issues like INFERNO #2 that make me wish this era wasn’t coming to an end. Furthermore, it also makes me wonder where these stories were gradual as this X-MEN era was unfolding. Yet, I’ll choose to be happy for what we’re getting now and excited for what’s on the horizon. INFERNO is a must-buy series and issue 2 only helps bolster that statement even more. Don’t wait… head out over your lunch break and pick this bad boy up! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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