X-Men ’92: House of XCII #4 Review

Writer: Steve Foxe

Art: Salva Espin, Israel Silva, David Baldeòn, and VC’s Joe Sabino

Publisher: Marvel Comics


Release Date: August 17th, 2022

You have been cordially invited to attend the Inner Circle GALA (cough… cough… not HELLFIRE GALA). Yet, if things mirror the modern era well, will this also be a podium for something planet-sized to transpire? Let’s dive into X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 by Steve Foxe as our favorite mutants from the ‘90s continue to unravel this Krakoan Era within the confines of their time and juncture.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the X-Men ’92: House of XCII #4 Review.


To this point, the HOXPOX era and X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII have practically mirrored each other, at least until issue 3. Sure, some aspects have been a little different like Moira versus Jubilee. Yet overall, the premise was the same. Well after reading X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4, readers will see very few similarities. From Beast and Jean to terraforming and changing Asteroid M instead of Mars, the overall concepts have been the same but with rather unique wrinkles that make X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII still a bit fun and inventive for the reader.

For example, I love Dark Beast and it looks like that’s what we get now. Additionally, Jean as Phoenix just seems right… and we get that too. Plus, if you look through the crowd at the GALA, you’ll see some nods and Easter Eggs to ‘90s comic stories and characters that this reviewer loved and appreciated. Moreover, Foxe throws some wicked curveballs into X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 that were not expected by any stretch. And, as an X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES fan, there was simply a ton I didn’t see coming and valued every minute of it.

Yet, I still dislike the fast-paced nature of the issue. So much ground is covered in such a short amount of time and I continue to feel like I’m getting the cliff note version of everything. I feel like we get very little character development and very little story. All that Foxe did in this week’s X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII was slide in big reveal after big reveal without context clues or reasoning making X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 more surface-level storytelling that just didn’t deliver.


Salva Espin and Israel Silva persist in making this series something unique. Espin and Silva’s production of X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 is truly what’s saved the series to this point and is ultimately what provided the nostalgia and connection to the ANIMATED SERIES. The story may lack depth with its rapid reveals but it’s Espin and Silva that provide the saving grace with their style and tone spliced together with an updated twisted.

Plus, the colors strike that enthusiastic ‘90s technique furnishing X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 with an intense methodology mimicking that era masterfully. Furthermore, like the last issue, X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 showcases a wide variety of mutants and MARVEL heroes that encapsulate their look for that era mixed with an ANIMATED SERIES vibe. These two have been up to the task since the first issue and are undoubtedly a highlight of the entire series.


X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 was interesting enough, easy to understand, and will certainly capture your attention if you’re an X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES fan. It’s not too wordy, the characters have realistic motivations within the confines of X-MEN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and the nostalgic feeling revived by the art team is ultimately what really places that great, familiar sensation from 30 years ago. And can I tell you, we need Dark Beast in current continuity RIGHT NOW!

Nevertheless, I continue to beat the drum on the quick, surface-level pacing of the story and wish X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII was simply longer, more drawn out, and developed more story beats that are just meaningful. Sure, I appreciated the GALA along with ‘90s characters dribbled in, as well as some of the quirky angles revealed. Yet X-MEN ‘92: HOUSE OF XCII #4 felt like even more of an overview of another event that happened during the HOXPOX era. Again, I expected more from this entire series before it was released. However, in terms of single issues, this was probably one of the best in this run other than the first installment. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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