W0rldtr33 #7 Review

Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Fernando Blanco
Colors: Jordie Bellaire
Letters: Aditya Bidikar
Publisher:  Image Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 31st, 2024

Agent Silk continues trying to find the woman who murdered her partner as Ellison Lane confronts his sisters in a secluded cabin in the wilderness in W0rldtr33 #7.  This issue gives many of the vast array of characters a few moments to shine as it also flashes back to show the origins of Gabriel Winter’s team and their first encounter with the malevolent Undernet, an extra-dimensional layer of the internet that could soon cause the end of the world.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the W0rldtr33 #2 Review.

The Story

W0rldtr33 has been an excellent series so far, heavy on dread and atmosphere, very much like the Italian Giallo films of the 70’s and 80’s mixed with a dash of cyberpunk.
Central to the storyline is Sammi, Gabriel Winter’s sister, the naked killer who seems to be the embodiment of the Undernet’s evil, cutting a swath through everyone who gets possessed by it. There’s not much of her in W0rldtr33 #7, but there are plenty of other sub-plots to make up for it.   I’ve been loving the wide range of characters in the series. Agent Silk has been an interesting character so far, who started off the series being aloof and wise-cracking, but now is obsessed with finding Sammi for slaying her partner. With her stone-cold demeanor, eyepatch and crimson hair, she’s a formidable figure. Even more formidable is Silk’s boss at the FBI, Madeline Snow.  With her shock of salt and pepper hair, dark shades and rumply style, she always looks like she’s either contemplating or finished committing some heinous illegal act.  She and Silk “interrogate” the mysterious Mr. Bell, whose past is intertwined with Gabriel Winter and who doesn’t give up answers easily.

Ellison is another great character, and this issue he has a confrontation with his three sisters in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and it’s simultaneously hilarious and nail-biting, as Ellison’s ferocious sister Azzy wants to know if he was involved in their brother’s death.   At the same time, Ellison’s other sisters (one bubble-headed and the other sister simply calling herself “the boring one”) make for a great scene as they all play off each other in the tiny cabin. The most interesting character by far though is Sammi (AKA PH34R), who walks around like a specter, naked, always a knife or razor in her hand, ready to use it.   Few things are creepier than when she walks behind someone she’s about to kill and just stands there, inches from her victim as the victim has no idea she’s there.  Other times, she takes control of people to get access to certain areas.  She appears briefly this issue, but as always, her appearance has bone-chilling impact.

The Art

Fernando Blanco’s art on W0rldtr33 #7 is very similar to Mike Allred’s work, but with a dark edge. Most haunting is his rendering of Sammi, who always has a twisted smile on her face that would even make The Joker run screaming from her in terror. The designs and styles of all the characters make them all unique and memorable.

Final Thoughts

W0rldtr33 #7 is another great issue of the series, moving several sub-plots forward while introducing another interesting character and giving us a peek into Gabriel Winter’s past.  The book melds horror, espionage and cyberpunk into a story that will chill you to the bone.  Recommended.


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