Nights #2 Review

Writer: Wyatt Kennedy

Art: Luigi Formisano

Colors: Francisco Segala

Letterer: Maria Letizia Mirabella

Publisher: Image

Release Date: 08 November, 2023

Price: $ 3.99


We return to an even crazier Florida with this issue, this time Vince journeys through the woods with a star-nosed mole while trying to reach a deeper understanding of his feelings for Gray and escaping the clutches of a weird creature of the woods. Nights #2 provides a thrilling adventure with an extremely refreshing dramatic twist.

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The Dispatch:

After a stellar introduction, we explore the plot further in this second issue of the series. The issue starts with Vince and his friends from school traveling in a bus and he goes to sleep soon after that which further leads to him sleeping too long and missing his stop. He then finds himself lost in the woods with Starven, the star-shaped mole. They encounter a vicious creature who is feeding on a deer and try to escape its clutches. This is probably the most action-packed part of the entire book but it also somehow mages to feel like the least interesting part of it. The dynamics between the characters are built with such precision that the readers will always be more interested in how the characters feel and how they perceive a situation. Even though they live in a fantastical world with all sorts of creatures, these characters seem like people who could very well exist among us.

The humor of the book is another outstanding aspect. The humor is much more natural and it also helps with establishing a specific tone for the book. None of the jokes really fall flat as all of them manage to get some reaction from the reader. A book like this needs to have good humor as it develops the atmosphere and the vibe the book is going for.

The Art:

The Art of Nights #2 skillfully elevates the atmosphere of the book. It provides us with a window into this world filled with all kinds of creatures and people. The colors also make the book’s art pop and really helps it give the book a distinct look that would suit it.

Final Thoughts:

Nights #2 takes readers on an exhilarating journey through the wild and fantastical landscapes of Florida. The narrative offers a refreshing dramatic twist as Vince, accompanied by his unusual companion Starven, grapples with his feelings for Gray while confronting the enigmatic creatures of the woods. While the action-packed sequences are gripping, it’s the finely crafted character dynamics that truly shine, making these fantastical characters feel remarkably relatable. The humor sprinkled throughout the story adds to its charm and effectively sets the tone for the book. Moreover, the art in the book is a visual feast, skillfully immersing readers in a captivating world filled with a diverse array of creatures and characters, thanks to its vibrant colors and distinct style. Overall, this issue delivers an enchanting and immersive experience that leaves readers eagerly anticipating what’s next in this compelling series.


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