Maestro: War and Pax #3 Review

Writer: Peter David

Art: Javier Pina, Wilton Santos, Jesus Aburtov, VC’s Travis Lanham, Jason Keith, and Dale Keown

Publisher: Marvel Comics


Release Date: March 24th, 2021

The MAESTRO’S rule over Dystopia isn’t enough to smash the resistance. He must also crush their hopes and dreams. And, to do this, MAESTRO plans on creating a New World Order called PAX. Anyone refusing his rule will be slaughtered. However, the Pantheon won’t stand for this tyrant’s agenda. Therefore, after meeting under false pretenses of old friendships, the Pantheon has captured the MAESTRO with the help of DOCTOR DOOM! Is there more under the surface here that we just can’t see? Let’s dive into MAESTRO: WAR AND PAX #3 by Peter David to see if the Pantheon merely helped thwart one tyrannical agenda for something even worse.

If you’re interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


Now, this was an action-packed issue. From beginning to end, David puts the pedal down and never lets off the gas. Furthermore, what makes this issue so incredibly appealing is that the man (Peter David) who made this tyrannical zealot is the one who’s now trying to create a way to destroy him that’s… logical. Readers, this can’t be easy to do. Yet, David creatively uses all possible resources and character abilities within the Pantheon that make a ton of sense. Moreover, before this issue comes to a close, you’ll be fooled by the MAESTRO and David masterfully.


Javier Pina and Wilton Santos lead the charge in making this issue the best in the series to date. This week’s tale is incredibly graphic, bloody, and downright angry to the core. The MAESTRO hasn’t been this vicious since the original series debut in mid-2020. At one point, MAESTRO is squeezing one of the Pantheons around the neck so hard that his eyes were practically popping out of their sockets while his face turned tomato red. Plus, his immense stature dwarfed every other character within the issue… and these Pantheons aren’t pushovers. Words simply can’t do this issue justice. You’ll need to read it to see for yourself.


Readers, this issue is diabolical and brutally violent… but in a classy way. You won’t leave disgusted or horrified. However, you’ll be completely awestruck by the sheer power of the MAESTRO like never before. Nevertheless, it’s the entire creative team together that carries this issue. David’s story is clever and full of surprises while Pina and Santos provide that extra layer to the story that left this reviewer saying oh $$@$!

If you’ve been all-in on MAESTRO since he’s been back, you’ll absolutely love this issue. It’s what you’ve been waiting for. If you’re new to the series but are interested in what it’s all about, then this is the perfect time to give it a try. New readers may be a bit confused as to the overall story. Still, they’ll see the MAESTRO in all his glory, as well as this creative team. Don’t wait. Pick this issue up, let me know what you think, and God bless!


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If you’re interested in getting your hands on MAESTRO: WAR AND PAX #3, click HERE to get a copy today! Additionally, if you’ve been really digging MAESTRO, click HERE to get your hands on related trades, volumes, and issues. Furthermore, if the HULK is your all-time favorite behemoth, click HERE to snag some of the very best issues and trades from the jolly jade giant. And finally, if you’re looking for something else to read, check out my Amazon Online Comic Shop by clicking HERE. Thank you all for checking out the Maestro: War and Pax #3 Preview as well as your continued support. Stay safe and stay healthy.


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