Lovesick #2 Review

Story and Art: Luana Vecchio
English Adaption: Edward Caio
Publisher: Image Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 30th, 2022

The story of Domino, the dominatrix who kills willing submissives (AKA “piglets”) and broadcasts her shows on the Dark Web, continues in Lovesick #2.  The issue amps up the violence to Lucio Fulci levels and gives us an interesting look into Domino’s psyche, including her Autassassinophilia (look it up, it’s fascinating).  It’s another great issue beautifully fusing sexuality, BDSM, and horror.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Lovesick #2 Review.

The Story

Domino is becoming one of my favorite characters of any book this year.  Lovesick #2 gives us more of Domino in action, fulfilling her contracts with willing submissives with fantasies of being killed by her hand.  One scene even has her recreating “The Most Dangerous Game” with two furries (men dressed as cute animal characters) which is simultaneously hilarious and terrifying, the anime-style costumes the submissives are wearing in stark contrast to the brutal violence that Domino lays down on them.

What’s most interesting about the issue is how it shows more of Domino’s “down time”, where she ruminates on the fact that she’s getting older and gets aroused by imagining one of her “piglets” killing her.   She’s a powerful character and these rare vulnerable moments with her make her seem even more powerful and complex.  If the Red Room killings are the “money shots” of the book, these quiet pensive scenes with her are what give the book staying power and keeps me wanting to come back each issue to learn more about Domino and the way her mind ticks.

Looming in the background are the incels, who step up their game this issue also.  Having their own Dark Web area (and being typical loathsome incels) they see Domino as a mortal enemy.  Because how dare a woman run a lucrative business and have tons of submissive men wanting her attention?  To them, Domino is a total affront to their whole worldview, and they want to take her out in the most violent degrading way possible.

There are a few more surprises throughout the issue also, including a splash page featuring Domino’s “assistants”, five women who help her in her shows.  Ms. Vecchio draws the five as an eclectic group of body types and styles, and like most of her art, you want to immediately enlarge the page to poster size and hang it on the wall.
Rounding out the book are some alternative covers, a page where Ms. Vecchio explains the inspiration for the book, and other supplemental pages.

The Art

Luana Vecchio’s art on Lovesick #2 is consistently beautiful.  It’s sensual and horrific and really submerges you into the dark world of the book. All the characters, both male and female are drawn realistically, with realistic body proportions, and even though the book is all about BDSM and sensuality, the women are never drawn in an over-sexualized way like you’d see in a superhero comic, where the women are drawn with grotesquely huge breasts and subatomic-sized hips. Domino’s drawn especially beautiful, with a body like Bettie Page and doe eyes like a young Shelley Duvall.  It’s the perfect look for the character, simultaneously innocent-looking and malevolent.
Awesome beautiful work.

Final Thoughts

Lovesick #2 is another winning issue, the perfect combination of horror and sensuality, giving a peek into an underworld that most of us will never see and hope doesn’t exist.  It gives us deeper insight into the main character and never shies away from violence and gore.  Highly recommended.


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