Indigo Children #5 Review


Writers: Rockwell White & Curt Pires

Art: Alex Diotto & Dee Cunniffe

Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Cover Art: Alex Diotto & Dee Cunniffe

Publisher: Image

Price $3.99

Release Date: July 26, 2023

Reviewed by: Samriddh Chaudhary


After the tragic events of the last issue, the Indigo Children and Nikki attempt to escape Kabul while Director Rand and his Agents are hot on their trail. Indigo Children #5 is a tension-filled journey through the deserts of Kabul and gives us a glimpse of Director Rand’s past.


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The Dispatch:

After the last issue, I was worried that the series would lose its focus as it had lost the character that was acting as a door to the world of the Indigo Children. But this issue pushed through by expanding on its antagonists more. The character of Director Rand is humanized through a flashback sequence and an epilogue page. Even just simply showing a character in the hospital and all bandaged up works in the issue’s favor as putting a character through situations like this makes the readers inadvertently form a connection with the character.

Another admirable quality of the issue is the attention to detail put into building the tension throughout the issue. From the first page of the comic, one can tell that the situation is much more tense now. I would consider Indigo Children #5 an improvement over the last few issues. The story did not feel as tedious in this issue as it did in the last four. The next arc that the story is entering has been set up very well through this issue and I genuinely cannot wait to read the next issue to see whether the next issue continues to follow this issue’s momentum.

The Art:

The Art has become a major problem over the last few issues even though the story itself has improved significantly. The art does manage to give the book a distinct look but not one that really suits the premise of the book. If it were just a character drama with no sci-fi elements to it then the art would have been acceptable. The art can make it tough to comprehend and ruin the impact of the book. It messes with the tension the story is building and makes it a little tough to take the situation seriously.

Final Thoughts:

Indigo Children #5 manages to redeem itself after the setbacks of the previous issues. The tension-filled journey through the deserts of Kabul and the exploration of Director Rand’s past add depth to the story and its antagonists. While the story has significantly improved, the art remains a drawback, not quite matching the book’s premise and at times hindering the impact and seriousness of the situation. Despite this, the issue sets up the next arc brilliantly, leaving readers eager for what comes next. With a promising trajectory, Indigo Children seems to be back on track, and I look forward to seeing how it continues to build upon the momentum of this issue in the upcoming chapters.


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