Daredevil #2 Review

Writer: Saladin Ahmed

Art: Aaron Kuder, Jesus Aburtov, VC’s Clayton Cowles, John Romita Jr., Scott Hanna, and Marcio Menyz

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 18th, 2023

THE NEW ERA OF DAREDEVIL CONTINUES! Industry stars SALADIN AHMED and AARON KUDER’s next exciting chapter of DAREDEVIL’s new era continues following Daredevil’s shocking status quo revealed in issue #1! Corruption is tearing Hell’s Kitchen apart as Darededvil #2 unfolds. Those who have sworn to protect the city have betrayed their oaths, and Matt Murdock is seeking righteous retribution, one billy club to the face at a time! Daredevil’s losing allies left and right…so what does that mean for the love of his life, ELEKTRA?!

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The Father Matt saga continues this week as readers discover that rumors spread about the well-being of the children in Matt’s care. Cops approach the shelter with accusations that the shelter is a front for some type of teen crime syndicate and an old friend slanders Matt, which are just weird angles for the comic to take in general.

As far as openers go to continue the prior cliffhangers, this one in Daredevil #2 was pretty weak. Moreover, the segway immediately into a street gang war was very abrupt. It felt like Daredevil #2 was still trying to find itself. The comic is still trying to discover what its plot was supposed to be. Sure, the last issue dove in with the shocker that Matt is somehow now a Father as well as the weird possession angle. But, everything else isn’t jiving with where Matt’s at now. A teen crime syndicate and a gang war just feel like Ahmed is putting too many moving pieces together that aren’t connecting well.

Eventually, the story builds to a moment that’s supposed to be a bigger splash than it actually is. Now, as far as issues go, Daredevil #1 had so much more potential than what we get this week in issue 2. We get practically no action from Daredevil, very little suspense, and the story beats just don’t seem to fit nor feel very creative. After what Zdarsky put Matt through, this just doesn’t appeal to this reviewer. Matt as a Priest, watching kids, and tracking down someone online who is slandering him with lies just feels a bit flat for a Daredevil story.


Aaron Kuder designs almost every character in this young, fresh look. Even the older characters with white beards look like they’re… young… but with white beards. Ben Urich shouldn’t look as young as he does nor should Father Javi. But they do. Moreover, that lack of definition and detail makes the characters look almost robotic and takes the feeling out of the issue. I didn’t notice it as much last month as I did in Daredevil #2.


Daredevil #2 lacks explosion, comes across very flat, and ultimately misses the mark this week. The potential that remained after issue one practically flatlined as readers get more inner monologuing than action this week. The story currently lacks depth, suspense, and any real diagnostic plot threads that appear to make this story pop. Within the first two to three issues, if you don’t hook the reader, they’re going to bail. The next issue needs to hit that mark. And if we don’t figure out what’s happening or the direction Ahmed wishes to go, I think that it might be time to bounce on this arc in a market that’s so overly saturated with exactly what you could be looking for in a comic. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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