Cable #11 Review

Writer: Gerry Duggan

Art: Phil Noto, VC’s Joe Sabino, and Tom Muller

Publisher: Marvel Comics


Release Date: June 30th, 2021

CABLE realized that Stryfe, the main adversary duplicate of his former “older” self, is still alive and kickin’. Confident that he can’t stop Stryfe alone, CABLE has decided that he needs to un-murder his former self using the Five. So, is the helmet brigade going to just allow two CABLE’S to exist? Heck, will the Council even consider bumping his resurrection up in line even if it is permitted? Or will the younger be forced to kill himself in order for the older to survive? Let’s dive into CABLE #11 by Gerry Duggan and find out!

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


CABLE #11 is fast and furious this week. Almost too fast and too furious. The rapid pacing of this issue makes me wonder why the series couldn’t have been extended into at least a 14-issue run, especially with the absence of the title for almost two months. There is just so much story that feels like it’s left on the table. I find it hard to believe Duggan can cram everything he needs to into one more issue. However, as a whole, Duggan has found a way for fans to have their cake and eat it too.

Quickly guessing with my crystal ball, the series feels like we’ll end up with both young and old CABLE. Consequently, fans digging either version should hopefully be happy as the series concludes. Nevertheless, as much excitement and charm that this issue of CABLE had, again I can’t help but want more detail. Give me more with Stryfe. Give me more about his plan, how he orchestrated it, and its driving purpose. Heck, the series felt like it was rolling with a nice, well-paced agenda only to come crashing to a supernatural clone conspiracy halt with no real rhyme or reason.

Furthermore, everything about this issue seemed too neat and clean. How convenient? Charles was able to capture the older CABLE’S mind right before he was killed years ago in EXTERMINATION. Really? Moreover, the resurrection goes forth BUT they decide to leave the techno-organic virus in his new body? Really? Sure, CABLE is one tough cookie. However, he’s battled that thing for years and now he has an opportunity to wipe it clean. Why wouldn’t anyone take that advantage? I’d rather see the older version lose it only to somehow reacquire the techno-organic virus in a future story. That would feel more realistic. Nonetheless, that is simply splitting hairs.


Can you go wrong with Phil Noto? His style is always so crisp, bright, and powerful. The character’s mannerisms are always so genuine and feel legitimate. Additionally, Noto’s panel progressions flow with ease making CABLE #11 feel almost like a movie. Moreover, Noto has a way of adding depth to the page that many artists struggle with giving his illustrations an almost three-dimensional appeal. Duggan makes the story fun but it’s Noto who truly brings this comic to life.


CABLE #11 feels like the part of an action movie where the heroes get their plan together, grab their crew, and head out for the final showdown. It’s almost as if this entire issue IS the 80s’ montage of the entire series. Now, that makes the issue itself fun. Yet, it leaves a ton of detail on the cutting room floor. Now, as much as I’d like to ding Duggan for this, he could have been told that he’s got to end it… so he’s doing his best. Frankly, that’s probably the case.

How do you take 4-5 more issues and condense it down to two, sprinkled around X OF SWORDS and the HELLFIRE GALA (which I’m sure took issues away from HIS story)? If my assumption is true, I’m sure he did the best with the page count available. Ultimately, fans of CABLE will be pleased with this issue as they finally get the old man back, the band back together, and what appears to be an action-packed send-off! If you’re a CABLE fan, you should pick this comic up and see the series through! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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