Batman: The Detective #2 Review

Writer: Tom Taylor

Art: Andy Kubert and Sandra Hope

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $3.99

Release Date: May 11th, 2021

The Dark Knight’s European expedition resumes as the quandary develops around the secret organization Equilibrium. Who are these mysterious rogues, and why are they attempting to eliminate BATMAN’S legacy? Let’s dive into BATMAN: THE DETECTIVE #2 by Tom Taylor to see if a face from Bruce Wayne’s past could be the missing link the Caped Crusader has been searching for.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


Taylor has done his homework. Now, why would I say that? Well, only a longtime BATMAN fan with a firm foundational history in the character would know who Henri Ducard is and his connection to Bruce Wayne. Taylor plays on those elements and their relationship in BATMAN: THE DETECTIVE #2. You see, Ducard’s first appearance was way back in 1989 in BATMAN #599. Long story short: Bruce went looking for the best manhunter in existence and found himself in Paris. After Ducard’s training, Bruce and Henri had a falling out since their tactics and “exploits” didn’t quite jive.

However, this leads this reviewer to some speculation. Equilibrium seems to be run by a female in a BATMAN costume. Could this female be Henri’s wife Felicity? For those completely submerged into the BATMAN Lore, Felicity was tasked with trying to kill her husband Henri but was stabbed by her son Morgan in the process. Could this be her tactic of revenge on Bruce Wayne? It’s certainly a possibility. Now, you won’t find that answer out this week. Nonetheless, like any good detective story, Taylor is sprinkling in some narrative clues that just may guide fans to that very conclusion.


Readers, this is the BATMAN you’ve wanted for a long time. This BATMAN is gritty, raw, down to Earth, and tangled with assassins, criminals, and the underbelly of the world. He doesn’t fight God’s, nor does he search for space artifacts. He doesn’t travel to alternate realities or require elaborate space-age technology to save the day. This BATMAN uses his wits naturally and monologues solutions to the readers. He’s tenacious, unyielding, aggressive, persistent, and ill-tempered. Like any true detective, BATMAN’S engulfed in this case to the point of obsession. In this issue alone, his addiction to the truth could have cost him his secret identity. Still, this is the BATMAN we’ve craved for so long and I’m ecstatic he’s back.

Furthermore, I love the setting. Amazingly, the book can still feel dark and abrasive without being located in Gotham. Additionally, the cast of unique characters has even fueled this reviewer to take his own deeper dive into some past issues and volumes of classic BATMAN stories from yesteryear. Ultimately, Taylor has reinvigorated my interest in a character that’s been stuck in the mud for so long. I’m so happy to have this version of the character back and can’t wait for the next issue of BATMAN: THE DETECTIVE.


Andy Kubert brings the dark and terrifying back to the BATMAN. However, by dark, I don’t mean horrifying and gruesome like THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS. It’s more grisly and unsettling. The grit and tenacity that I mentioned earlier are so eloquently portrayed through Kubert’s illustrations, which lend this issue to being a true detective story. Furthermore, the depth in which he draws each panel is incredibly thorough. As the issue opens, BATMAN drops one of the members of Equilibrium from a clock tower. Well, Kubert does a fantastic job making the reader feel like they are not only included in that fall BUT that the height of the fall alone is astronomical.

Additionally, his technique is outstanding. From flashbacks that blur into the present to graphic gunshot wounds, Kubert strategically places his illustrations in such a way that ushers the reader through the story with ease. Before you know it, the issue is done due to his style that feels almost like a movie causing your eyes to blaze through the narrative. I recommend a thorough reread to catch all the extra details hidden in the background of the panel or scene.


BATMAN: THE DETECTIVE #2 is the crime drama, mystery narrative we’ve been missing from the BATMAN for quite some time. It has all the elements of a great detective story while showcasing the dark and gritty nature of Kubert’s artistic style. From cleverness and murder to significance and intrigue, this story provides BATMAN fans with what made the Caped Crusader the World’s Greatest Detective. There is no doubt this series is worthy of your time. I highly recommend adding this series to your pull list. This is just another prime example as to why Tom Taylor is one of the best in the business. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God bless!


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