The Flash #789 Review

Writer: Jeremy Adams

Art: Fernando Pasarin, Matt Ryan, Matt Herms, Rob Leigh, and Taurin Clarke

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: December 20th, 2022

Old friends return as Wally finds that he’s on the wrong side of the law and a fugitive from justice in this week’s The Flash #789 by Jeremy Adams! Wally must uncover the truth about the mayor, all while trying to outrun the Rogues who are attempting to track him down

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A fun reunion with the Pied Piper, a villainous plan revealed, and a step up in Wally’s sarcasm lead the charge in this week’s Flash #789. Adams reintroduces the Rogues while simultaneously inventing a reason for the new Mayor to instill the Rogues as a police force kicking off this issue. Granted, it seems a bit of a stretch. Nevertheless, it kind of fits the current cultural climate as well as the most recent Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths event.

Moreover, the action sequences are spot on and the family dynamic Adams brings with this new Flash family of Wally’s is fantastic. The kids add a lighthearted flavor alongside Linda that will simply put a smile on your face as you read through the Flash #789. Additionally, “Uncle Pied Piper” makes for a fun addition to the family that furnishes a different twist of humor alongside his power set that’s sure to amplify this comic even more. I hope he sticks around for a bit and doesn’t bounce out too quickly.

However, there is this speech that the Flash gives to the Mayor that comes across initially as pretty thought-provoking and meta that kind of takes a turn for the worse towards the end. Now, it hits on all the qualities Wally stands for like peace, love, and empathy. However, his petition to the true “big bad” of the Flash #789 not only comes across as anticlimactic but it also takes away from the action of the comic and appears to feel a bit too judgmental about the world at large. I understand that fighting doesn’t always accomplish everything. However, rules, discipline, and order are a required complement of love I think Wally’s forgetting that. Love needs discipline and action. It cant be all feelings, unicorns, and puppies.


Fernando Pasarin continues to provide the same look and appeal to this Flash run as Geoff Johns’ run was all those years ago. From the character design to even the inks and colors from Matt Ryan and Matt Herms, the darker tones and line work are all most reminiscent of that Johns’ run. Sure, the coloring is richer but the design and framework are very similar. Moreover, it’s the sly situations that Pasarin draws that add to the sarcastic mannerisms of Wally even more. Look no further than the office scene with Wally and the Mayor to see exactly what I mean. Not only does Adams have a good thing going here with his story but he’s also picked an amazing compliment to his ideas with these amazing storytellers.


The Flash #789 isn’t a bad issue, however, the speech at the end kind of rips away a pretty epic fight between the Rogues and the Flash Family. The issue was once again enjoyable and lighthearted like Adams usually makes it until the very end where it attempts to get a bit too weighty and almost philosophical. It’s kind of as if Adams tries to make the Flash #789 something it’s not towards the end which in turn takes away from some of the setups and pop Adams was presenting to the readers.

Overall, this issue doesn’t change my recommendation for the series, it’s still one of the best titles at DC Comics right now. Nevertheless, everyone has a down issue here and there, especially with Adams wrapping things up right before the One-Minute War. I just wish this story with the Rogues was a bit more and less of a tease since we finally got the band back together. Readers, Adams is still taking the Flash in the right direction so there is no need to worry. However, the Flash #789 steps outside its normal comfort zone towards the end and possibly trips on its own fit a bit as the issue comes to an end. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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