Nightwing #86 Review

Writer: Tom Taylor

Art: Robbi Rodriguez and Bruno Redondo

Publisher: DC Comics


Release Date: November 16th, 2021

NIGHTWING and Babs have battled through the panic-filled streets of Gotham together. However, their crusade brings them to the sky alongside the Batgirls and Tim Drake! Now, after infiltrating the Magistrate’s Skybase, this Bat-Family has made it their goal to stop this juggernaut Skybase before it’s too late. Let’s dive into NIGHTWING #86 by Tom Taylor as we see Dick lead his family once more towards preventing Seer’s broadcast while saving the people aboard in the process.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon. 


As the FEAR STATE tie-ins conclude, I can only find myself showing excitement towards the desire to get back into Tom Taylor’s own, original story beats with NIGHTWING. Sure, aspects of these tie-ins had their moments with some interesting character connections and dialogue. However, the vacation just needs to end so we can head back into Taylor’s NIGHTWING, which was running pretty strong until the breaks were pumped for FEAR STATE.

Now, what’s been interesting to date from the NIGHTWING take has been the unique perspectives the issues have lent to other parallel FEAR STATE series, namely the BATGIRLS backup which molds nicely with events from NIGHTWING #86. Immediately, the issue kicks off with heightened tension as readers eagerly watch the search for the other BATGIRLS who appeared to be lost in the clock tower explosion. Nonetheless, some of the flare and vigor were lost in the illustrations. Still, out of the blazing inferno cascades some outstanding dialogue from the present Bat-Family members as well as (you guessed it) Dick and Babs fan-favorite moments that will definitely strike a core.

For the FEAR STATE enthusiasts out there, NIGHTWING #86 will certainly fill in those gaps that the main event was missing. Plus, to those hoping for a showdown with Babs and Seer, you’ll have to wait on that as well. Nevertheless, as much as I hate to dwell on what could have been, I can’t help but question why the tie-ins to FEAR STATE were even needed in this book. Taylor certainly does what he can with what he has at his disposal. However, should he have even needed for the event in the first place?


Truly, NIGHTWING #86 is merely for the FEAR STATE fan trying to grab every issue and tie-in. Fans of Taylor’s series need not run out to snatch the issue and can simply wait until next month’s story to hop back on board. Plus, getting Bruno Redondo back on the title with the main duties will be a huge win! Robbi Rodriguez’s art style is a bit of an acquired taste with his sharp angular designs and facial features. Nevertheless, if you’re a Babs fan, this issue of NIGHTWING is more up your alley with the focus of the story being about her regaining control of her network. My only concern is that I hope FEAR STATE hast stalled out any of the momenta that Taylor’s series has gained since it took off. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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