Maestro: World War M #2 Review

Writer: Peter David

Art: Germán Peralta, Jesus Aburtov, VC’s Ariana Maher, Carlos Pacheco, and Rafael Fonteriz

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: March 23rd, 2022

Everyone has been eradicated by the MAESTRO! So, who’s next? The Human Torch? Namor? Abomination? Well, the MAESTRO is out for vengeance, which has led him directly into the belly of the Pacific. Let’s smash into MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 by Peter David as fans of MAESTRO take a deep dive into this next stage of this amazing saga.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read Maestro: World War M #2 Review.


It’s a definitive action story with a WHAT IF vibe involving a classic character aged to perfection like a fine wine. Peter David’s MAESTRO tales have been rock solid and give fans exactly what they want without the fluffy nonsense and philosophical mumbo jumbo. It’s straightforward, entertaining, and filled with relentless melee and raw power. MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M takes place literally after the events of WAR AND PAX yet still reads like a story any HULK fan could pick up and follow. Sure, it’s ideal to have the background info (and highly recommended) but it is certainly possible to dive right in and enjoy.

Moreover, MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 is quick, drops the pedal down, and doesn’t let up until the last page. This issue is full of high octane action, fun twists, and character reveals and team-ups you’d never expect. Plus, readers get NAMOR vs MAESTRO which is undoubtedly a match many have waited to see. Furthermore, the cover doesn’t disappoint providing fans with some foreshadowing that’s $&@$ awesome! It’s almost as if readers get the INVADERS against the HULK, which sounds like one heck of a story. However, these INVADERS have a bit more at stake and this HULK is practically unstoppable. All this story is truly missing is CAPTAIN AMERICA to make that happen.

Listen, I can certainly tell you that I don’t want this story to end. Some comics are just straight-up fun and MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M is just that. If you’re reading this MARVEL COMICS, sign up Peter David for another series! Heck, find a way to get MAESTRO into the main continuity so we can see the current HULK go up against this Gamma Titan with David at the helm. There is just so much untapped potential here that I can’t just see it end. But I can tell you this, HULK fans will surely enjoy the heck out of this while it’s here!


Germán Peralta and Jesus Aburtov bring it this week in MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 with an underwater Battle Royale! These two are over half the reason MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 is so dang entertaining. Peralta and Aburtov simply understand panel progression and movement in a way other artists tend to struggle creating this explosive atmosphere that makes this issue come to life. Every smash feels like an echo reverberating off the page. Plus, this creative team knows how to pile on the suspense thick. Together with David’s story, this creative team really is the package deal.


MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 is exactly like its predecessors and packed to the gills with hardcore action. From the moment MAESTRO lands in Pacifica, his cocky veneer explodes off the page with each wallop and power-hungry smash thanks to this creative team. MAESTRO: WORLD WAR M #2 shows fans just how dominant this HULK is without reservation. Plus, readers get an amazingly eclectic group of heroes/villains to take one last attempt to stop MAESTRO in his tracks. If you’re a HULK fan, you need to buy this issue, grab the MAESTRO back issues and trades, and add this series to your pull list right now. You can thank me later. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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