Creepshow #3 Review

Writers: Zoe Thorogood and Joel Farrelly
Art:  Zoe Thorogood and Goran Sudžuka
Colors: Ive Svorcina
Letters: Zoe Thorogood and Pat Brosseau
Publisher:  Image Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 8th, 2023

Creepshow #3 is a standout issue, with Zoe Thorogood’s story “Eternity, Eternity, Eternity” one of the most chilling and fantastic stories you’ll find in a book all year.  The second story in the book, “Sacrifices”, is also a good story that delivers some great horror moments.  Buy this issue and prepare to be disturbed in the best ways!

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Creepshow #3 Review.

The Story

Zoe Thorogood continues to amaze with her work in last month’s Harley Quinn: Black + White and her new miniseries Hack Slash: Back to School.  Somehow amidst all that work she also found time to write, draw and letter the jaw-dropping story “Eternity, Eternity, Eternity” in Creepshow #3. The story deals with the agony of immortality, with the main character having witnessed the death of loved ones so much as a little girl that she grew up into an adult woman who wants to wage war on mortality, creating a formula that gives a person immortality.

Given that the world has experienced an apocalypse though, she only has enough supplies for one dose, and she takes it. What follows is her journey afterward as the years tick by, filled with love, tragedy, loss and body horror that would startle even David Cronenberg and Lucio Fulci. Zoe Thorogood has a perception and wisdom far beyond her years.  She always crafts stories that delve masterfully into the human psyche.  The main character’s loneliness, pain and despair radiate off the page and this story will both move you and disturb you, especially with its exquisitely nihilistic ending. The second story this issue, “Sacrifices”, isn’t as good as the first story, but it’s still an enjoyable read, primarily focusing on the folly of greed.

When Constance, the wife of a very rich man, plots with her bodyguard to steal a rare red diamond from her husband and leave him, her husband reveals terrifying secrets about himself that catapult Constance and her bodyguard/lover into a world of supernatural horror. This story has a great action sequence and in the final pages turns into pure Lovecraftian horror.  It’s a fun story to end the issue. Also included at the end of this issue is a 3-page preview of Duke, the new G.I. Joe series debuting in December.

The Art

Creepshow #3 is filled with great art of very different styles. Zoe Thorogood’s art on “Eternity, Eternity, Eternity” is her usual amazing work.   She has a unique style and her characters always seem simultaneously beautiful and repulsive. Body horror runs through the story and her art amplifies the horror One scene in particular, involving bugs and an arm, is the stuff of nightmares and it’s beautiful work from beginning to end. Gordon Sudžuka’s art on “Sacrifices” is more traditional work but the three main characters and the action scenes are detailed wonderfully.  When things hit the fan at the climax of the story, the art delivers the horror in a style reminiscent of the old Marvel 70’s artists like Gene Colan.

Final Thoughts

Creepshow #3 is a must-buy for Zoe Thorogood’s story alone, a truly terrifying and disturbing story that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it.  The second story is also good, with a great Lovecraftian twist.  Overall, it’s a terrific issue and it’s highly recommended.


One thought on “Creepshow #3 Review

  1. Writer of the B-story “Sacrifices” here. Thanks for the 10/10! I may only deserve like 1/4th of the credit, but I will gladly take all of the praise! Sincerely though, thank you for reading and taking the time to share your opinion.

    There are a lot of writers who like to claim they only write their stuff for themselves and screw what everyone else thinks, but I never really vibed with that. I write my stories to entertain people and my favorite part of the process is getting to hear what the audience thinks.

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