Batman #145 Review

Writer: Chip Zdarsky

Art: Jorge Jimenez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: March 5th, 2024

Following The Joker: Year One’s stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur’s prison…but what dark secret does Zur now hold that’s a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?! Let’s dive into Batman #145 by Chip Zdarsky and find out!

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Joker: Year One came across as a bit more flat than I anticipated. My expectations were higher than normal as I clamored for new insight into one of the most profound villains in all of comics. Nevertheless, we didn’t quite get as much information as I thought would be prescribed. What we did discover is that the man who helped Batman mentally overcome pain and take full control of his mind also did the very same to the Joker. Why? Well, to provide a front-row seat to the world’s greatest minds taking action against one another.

This leads us to Batman #145 where we find Batman and the Joker sharing the same cell in Blackgate while Zur takes over Gotham. For those just joining in, Zur is the alter ego of Batman; a more extreme Batman that comes when he’s most needed. It was this persona that built Failsafe behind the scenes and has now discovered a way to disconnect that alter ego/ separate personality and place it in the Failsafe robot. The point is for Zur to do what Batman never could: truly clean up Gotham City. And if I might add, if you follow a vigilante to its logical conclusion, you’d have to get someone closer to the Punisher than you would Batman. It only makes sense. Well, it appears as though that’s Zur’s agenda as Dr. Captio (the man he mentally molded both the Joker and Batman) sits basking in his glory.

Readers, the story itself is certainly creative. With so much lore on a character ranging over 80 years, it’s difficult to create something new under the sun. And let me tell you, Zdarsky comes pretty dang close. A.I. body swapping, multiversal maneuvering, multiple personalities, and mind manipulation are just a few insane items to touchdown during Zdarsky’s run. Entertaining would certainly be a great word to describe his book to date. However, it feels like we are getting little depth and substance with Batman #145 being the prime example of that vision. Additionally, the story itself seems rushed as if we have a deadline to meet. Why not roll this out nicely and slowly? I would have loved to see more on the Joker: Year One. I would have loved to get more answers and dove deep under the surface seeing exactly how Captio molded Batman’s greatest adversary.


Batman #145 felt more like a catch-up issue mixed with a quick interlude to get fans back on track. It was entertaining enough but it felt rushed, almost like cliff notes. We get no depth with the story itself hanging out on the surface, which is fine I suppose. However, this wild ride from Zdarsky, as creative as it is, feels like it just hops from one insanity to the next. At what point do readers start to feel connected to the story? That’s what I feel is missing from this run and Batman #145 is the prime example of that. It’s entertaining, creative, informative, and even manages to sprinkle in some action. However, it lacks depth, and emotion, and rides on the surface for quick thrills. Hopefully, the character connection arrives soon because that’s all this book is missing. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


One thought on “Batman #145 Review

  1. I think Zdarsky wrote a recent Batman comic where Failsafe debuted with Batman stranded in orbit and reentering the Earth on space junk, no space suit, landing, and wlaking away unscathed. I love Batman but his plot armor is ridiculous and his storyline become more convoluted and unbelievable. Wayne’s split personality has a split personality that uploaded its consciousness into a robot – but isn’t it technically the mindset of Bruce Wayne fighting Bruce Wayne? Its odd…

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