The Flash #796 Review

Writer: Jeremy Adams

Art: Roger Cruz, George Hambadais, Fernando Pasarin, Wellington Dias, Matt Herms, Oclair Albert, Luis Guerrero, Taurine Clarke, and Rob Leigh

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: April 4th, 2023

It’s the final moments of the One-Minute War! Cornered by the evil Admiral Vel, the Flash family is on the edge of defeat, but some surprising allies give the speedsters one last chance to change the outcome of the war once and for all as The Flash #796 by Jeremy Adams comes to an end !

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Flash #796 Review.


We begin The Flash #796 with what appears to be an attempt at explaining Planet Flash and how they can all help. Sadly, it’s a bit confusing and even more perplexing considering we only had a two-week gap between issues. Nevertheless, the story rolls along to its conclusion fine enough to make you feel like there is a believable ending that works.

As a fun sidebar, I loved the little wrinkle with the Admiral at the end. That was a nice touch that is certainly going to come back around at some point for a future writer to pick up and run with. Plus, the added bonus of connecting some other dots to this moment and time with the Flash Family was spot on and made the event jive a bit more than it had to this point. It was definitely setup nice by Adams. Additionally, the book began as Wally’s book… not Barry’s. It was nice to see that Wally gets to bring this thing on home!

Yet the best part of The Flash #796 was that it FINALLY felt like Adams writing on the Flash again. It was fun, exciting, easygoing, and it had just the right amount of humor to spice up the issue. Plus, the Heroes in Crisis fiasco can finally be behind us. Those found to be dead are all back making Wally West officially not a killer anymore even if it was by accident. Fences are all mended, Wally is back, and things are finally where they’re supposed to be after that hideous event. Thank you again Jeremy Adams for saving the character.


I’m digging the new art. Kambadais and Pasarin’s sections are noticeably different and provide a solid reprieve from Cruz’s more cartoonish style choice. The new renderings are much more sleek and smooth. Pasarin’s take is certainly more realistic, which I genuinely appreciate in my comics. Sadly, you can certainly see a drastic difference in perspectives and artists throughout the issue. Nevertheless, the extra artists not only added some much-needed flavor but they also helped up this reviewer’s score in the end.


The Flash #796 brings all the pieces together, reasonably wraps up this One-Minute War, stops the bad guy logically, makes Wally officially not a killer anymore, and does so with Adams’ usual manner of fun and excitement. Even though illustrations were still a bit of a struggle in some parts, Kambadais and Pasarin add a noticeable difference in their respective spots to jazz up the issue just enough to get this reviewer to forget about Cruz’s sections.

Overall, the One-Minute War wasn’t awful. However, it still wasn’t my favorite issue or arc of Adams’ Flash run today. Sadly, Adams’ time is coming closer and closer to an end. I would love to see him hang in there for a bit longer. Nevertheless, we still get to read Adams on other titles. And as we all know, all good things must come to an end. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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