The Flash #795 Review

Writer: Jeremy Adams

Art: Roger Cruz, George Hambadais, Fernando Pasarin, Wellington Dias, Matt Herms, Oclair Albert, Luis Guerrero, Taurine Clarke, and Rob Leigh

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: March 29th, 2023

The Flash Family retreats, mourning the loss of their family members, while Barry tries to find a way to stop the Fraction once and for all. Surprises abound as the past is revisited and we hurtle toward the end of the One-Minute War in this penultimate issue of The Flash #795 by Jeremy Adams!

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The penultimate issue of the One-Minute War kicks off in this week’s The Flash #795 by Jeremy Adams with what appears to be an intriguing cliffhanger, a pretty wild plan by Barry, and a large amount of ambiguity sandwiched in between. Now, on a more positive note to kickstart the issue, readers get a Liberty Bell intro that served as a nice touch to those diehard DC Comics fans. It was genuinely the perfect way to open the issue and provided a means to connect the past to this story.

Nevertheless, it’s left in the dust after the opening page never to be talked about again. So, using the Liberty Bell intro would have been a perfect writing tool if it was somehow interwoven into the story as a plot thread or story beat to be revisited later. Additionally, The Flash #795 begins with no plan stated making this penultimate issue extremely cold for the primary third of the issue. Flash fans, It’s a long, cold open with the intent to build up pressure. However, the lack of knowledge and direction of the plan just makes the reader feel like a third wheel as this story attempts to pick up steam.

Still, we get bits and pieces of the plan gradually revealed through flashback conversations in order to break up the momentum of The Flash #795 and furnish a sense of hesitation and anticipation to the story. This aspect of the writing style wasn’t necessarily bad, however, it just took some time to get into the story. And that fellow Flash fans was the problem. Just when Adams’ story gets good, it abruptly stops thrusting in the reinvention of a specific “point” in DC Comics. Now, I like the idea. However, my biggest problem is that it’s going to be a tool used to save Wally (I’m sure) and I wonder if Adams will have enough time to iron out this avenue before he exits the title.


The Flash #795 is by and large much better than the prior two installments of the One-Minute War. There’s tension, some drama, suspense, action, and a possible revival of a specific “timepoint” that’s definitely meaningful to some hardcore DC Comic fans. Moreover, Adams has officially fixed Kid Flash with this statement by Irey… “Uncle Ace”. The Wallace-Wally-Duel Wally West conundrum is official toast! Thank you, Jeremy Adams!

Nevertheless, with the many positives that highlight this penultimate issue, The Flash #795 has its weak spots too. The flow of the story is choppy as the plan gets revealed causing the cold open to be almost frostbitten. The Liberty Bell opener had the potential to connect all the pieces of this issue together but was never revisited. And sadly, the reinvention of this “timepoint” steals away another superhero death making all death silly at best. Why did Adams kill Wally in the first place if we’re just going to bring him back? I’m not saying the character should be gone for good. I’m more on the side of why kill him at all. It just gets old and becomes a trivial plot tool that’s numbed fans into submission making it almost comical. My hope is something good comes from this “timepoint”. However, will Adams have enough time to actually do something with it before he leaves the title? With this being the penultimate issue, I wouldn’t jump on board now. I’d merely wait for the trade if you’re interested. Nevertheless, Adams did leave the story in a strong place to wrap it up.


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