Superman ’78 #6 Review

Writer: Robert Venditti

Art: Wilfredo Torres

Publisher: DC Comics


Release Date: January 25th, 2022

Reviewer: Jamie Robinson

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any others that were mentioned then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


In the thrilling finale of the Superman ’78 series based on the classic Christopher Reeve Superman movies, Superman has the final climactic confrontation with Brainiac.  Overall, I really liked the way Brainiac was incorporated into the “Donnerverse.”

He’s a worthy opponent to rival the likes of Terrence Stamp’s General Zod.  Additionally, the comic stayed true to the standard character and ideals of Superman, particularly Reeve’s version, by having him fight for humanity and wanting to see the good in everyone, despite protestation from his enemies.


As with the previous issues, the artwork in Superman ‘78 has been fantastic.  Wilfredo Torres does an amazing job of capturing the likeness of Christopher Reeve, with Superman’s various facial expressions. Superman fans will love that Lex Luthor is wearing something similar to his Legion of Doom outfit from the comics and classic cartoons.

However, it’s a shame that Gene Hackman didn’t get to wear that in the movies making it extremely cool to see them incorporate it within Superman ‘78 #6.  It was also fun to see that the “PREPARE TO MEET THY DOOM” sign from Superman II made a comeback, along with what looked like a cameo from an orange cat that could very well be Streaky the Supercat.


Superman ‘78 has been a stellar series and really captured the tone of the Christopher Reeve movies. Furthermore, I absolutely loved how the series expanded upon Superman’s relationship with his birth parents too. My only major complaint was that the series was too short. DC Comics really should’ve expanded Superman ’78 to 12 issues, to make it really feel like a movie. Hopefully, DC gives this title another chance with future issues.

I’ve seen concept art on Wilfredo Torres’ twitter of Superman ’78 versions of Bizarro, Darkseid, Mongul, Metallo, and even a Mxyzptlk resembling the late Robin Williams. All would be fantastic editions to the “Donnerverse” version of Superman. There is so much potential to be had here and hopefully, DC will capitalize on it. Fans of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies will love this series. It is fun nostalgia and has the heart of the original movies.


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