Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #1 Review

Writer: Al Ewing

Art: Paco Medina, Jay David Ramos, VC’s Ariana Maher, Tom Muller, Jay Bowen, Matt Milla, and Leinil Francis Yu

32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Release Date: February 8th, 2023

Ten years from now, Mars has been destroyed – and now STORM wants revenge! To get it, the New Brotherhood will battle their way through Hell to seek the greatest secret of the Sinister Age…but are they fighting to save the world – or end it? And who is the man called Ironfire? Let’s dive into Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #1 by Al Ewing and find out!

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Ewing drops fans immediately into the heat of battle with Storm as the narrator. $&@$ has certainly hit the fan and all Hell is breaking loose in the future. We discover that it’s up to Storm to create an underground team in hopes to take down Sinister and get her revenge. Let’s start with the team! Fans will most certainly like the team as well as some of their upgrades. It’s an exciting mix along with Storm. Moreover, the type of Chimera they fight against in Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #1 has some clever combinations of mutant abilities that showcase Ewing’s creativity. I’m super pumped to see what other types of Chimera we will bump into.

Moreover, Ironfire appears to be a nice new mutant to bring into the fold. He has some nice abilities and played a pretty big role in this issue. Additionally, readers may find it hard to be thrust into the deep end with the futuristic storyline as well as the multiple twists and turns that make up Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #1. It just felt like Ewing was throwing a lot at readers in a short amount of time. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however, I highly recommend rereading this issue multiple times to truly grasp all the subtle nuisances you may have just glanced over after your first read or two. Nevertheless, solid story beats are definitely there!


The cool colors mixed with the smooth transitions and action sequences provide an intense spirit to Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #1. Its vibrant design lends itself well to the style of story Ewing has aligned causing fans to feel as though they are standing alongside one of Storm’s Seven. Now, as crisp as the coloring is, the one disadvantage to the illustrations this week is that the facial structure of the main characters is all the same. If you took the hair and skin tone away from almost all the characters involved, they all have the same exact design. From nose structure to cheekbones and eye shape, the characters are practically the same.


Storm & The Brotherhood of Mutants #1 was a futuristic, semi-apocalyptic mutant story with some clever twists and fast-paced plot threads that will keep readers on their toes. X-fans will see that this issue has a ton of moving pieces and may get a bit too overwhelming through the first read. I highly recommend giving this issue a couple of looks before you judge it. However, I don’t want to reread an issue multiple times to totally understand what’s happening either. I want to reread for fun and not for clarity. Nevertheless, the potential is here for quite a fascinating story and a killer opening to this series. However, for anyone who may not like the futuristic, time-bending tales, this might not be your cup of Darjeeling. If you have any questions on the review or are ever interested in tackling a comic review of your own, feel free to email me directly at Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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