Robin #6 Review

Writers: Joshua Williamson

Art: Gleb Melnikov

Colors: Luis Guerrero

Letters: ALW’s Troy Peteri
Publisher: DC
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 9/28/2021
Reviewer: Soycornholio

Round 1:

FINALLY! The main event that we (or I ) have all been waiting for! The fighting! Urgh, it is so annoying that we are on Robin #6 by Joshua Williamson and it is the first official fight. There has been a lot of build-up to this point, so I am beyond ready to jump into this issue. Will you all join me on this trip?

*Mild spoilers to follow*

Worth 1000 words:

If you have been following my reviews for some time, you know I do not normally harp on the art too often. Art is a rollercoaster of emotions. Sometimes the art is stellar, while other times it is tacky. The first thing I noticed in Robin #6, was a STUNNING image of Robin on page 1. I have never seen Damian Wayne look so artfully drawn as I did in this issue. Melnikov easily establishes himself as one of the leading artists in DC. Special kudos to his page of just pure fighting. No words are needed. Just beautiful art and blood.

Kid Stuff:

One thing I often forget is that Damian is still a kid. Ironically enough, this issue hits hard on the kid part of him. In Robin #6, Damian is reunited with his manga romance novel that was almost stolen from him when he “died.” From the beginning, I found it quite humanizing to see Damian reading manga as he was waiting for a death tournament. This shows the duality of Damian in a way that most writers have yet to understand. Much like his father, on the outside, they wear a mask (quite literally). This mask hides away the fact that they both are longing for something much more.


DC, there were way too many advertisements in this issue. It seemed as if I was reading for 5 minutes before it was over. It felt as if every other page was announcing an upcoming etc. DC, are you all able to only have one or two pages with solicits? Even a pull-out centerfold? This story should honestly be a Black Label comic. Limited distractions and graphic beyond belief. By keeping this story in a regular comic, DC is missing a golden opportunity to draw in and keep the readers.

Final Thoughts:

Robin #6 by Joshua Williamson is not a bad issue whatsoever. We are finally witnessing the Tekken-style combat tournament that originally hooked us in the beginning. The art is top-notch while the advertisements are distracting. Overall, I would recommend reading this issue. WE are FINALLY at the tournament and things are just starting to heat up!


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