Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 Review

Writer: Greg Pak

Art: Manuel Garcia, Cam Smith, Chris Sotomayor, Carlos Pagulayan, and VC’s Joe Caramagna

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: December 14th, 2022

A high priestess fills a stone starship prison with small, green children. A Haarg helps a small, green girl search for a Worldbreaker. A Worldbreaker grapples with a thousand years of doom. On a world broken again and again by prophecy and catastrophe, which Hulk will finally dare to fight again? Let’s smash into this week’s Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 by Greg Pak and find out.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 Review.


Cho is weak. Granted, one thousand years from now I’d like to see how strong we are let alone a Hulk. Nevertheless, the ending battle between the Sentinels of Sakaar verse Cho was an extremely anticlimactic way to begin Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2, especially with the subtitle of the issue focusing in on those very Sentinels. This simply hits what I said in my last review which was that readers need a hook to lock them into a story. Whether it be action or a solid story beat, they need something to fortify their interest. So, why sell this battle short from Jump Street?

Nevertheless, Pak does draw reference to the fact that only children were taken which was a curious plot thread left off the table in last month’s issue. Moreover, Pak sprinkles in some sly commentary on the current landscape of Sakaar in the past one thousand years. He refers to different factions of people, where different fights took place and small tidbits as to why things are the way they are right now. However, my concern is that it felt more like teasing than setup. Will Pak actually have time to come back to all these little nuggets he casually lays out in front of the readers? I find it hard to believe he could successfully cover them all in 6-12 issues. And if he touches on a few of them, how much detail will we actually get? And there again is the problem. It’s almost as if multiple hooks could draw readers in deeper yet he’s not advancing on any of those themes.

My point is that Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 has potential just like the first issue, however, it still feels more like a summary. It’s almost as if Pak is racing through the story to give us the cliff notes version taking any feeling out of the narrative. The potential is certainly there BUT it needs time to set up and develop well so readers can regain their footing, and re-establish connections with these new characters and future versions of another character like Cho. All that Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 felt like was a quick walkabout around Sakaar. But readers need more if you want to hook them into the story.

Nevertheless, the conversation between Cho’s Granddaughter and Bruce gets deep and cuts to the truth of society, our current culture, and even the way the Hulk has always been used. It’s truly a fantastic conversation that will truly make fans think a bit and finally add some depth to the story and a few characters. The shame is that it took two-thirds of the way through issue two before any depth was developed. However, on a positive note, we can see some more unique wrinkles as Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 comes to a close.


For the most part, Manuel Garcia and Cam Smith’s pencils and inks were a bit average. Nothing really jumps out as out of the ordinary keeping the pencils and linework as rather scratchy, and small. At times, I could barely see the character’s eyes or they appeared almost closed in most panels. I think this also has to do with the size of the panels as well. Other than a zoom-in panel of Bruce’s face, it almost looks like all the characters are squinting or have their eyes shut.

Nevertheless, the most outstanding display to grace Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 was Garcia and Smith’s actual Incredible Hulk design, which readers won’t see until the brutal end of the issue. There Hulk is massive towering over Cho and his granddaughter like a muscular mountain. Additionally, there Hulk takes up most of the page and looks fueled by rage. And for a comic that’s been lacking a bit and struggling to find its footing, this was a pleasant surprise that helped lock me into the story as Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 came to a close. Readers, this Hulk is quite impressive.


Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 finally picks up and adds some potential depth and story beats that could prove to be rather interesting. The problem is we don’t see any of it until the end of this issue. So, it took almost two full issues for this slow build to culminate into something. Hopefully, fans hang around long enough in the series to see it through to this point. Nevertheless, these interesting nuggets of story bits are merely a taste. There is still no guarantee anything will come from them. Use the cliffhanger of Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #1 in this issue as proof of that. The action falls flat and fans ultimately get a quick escape. Moreover, readers get almost no action as Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 takes a sightseeing tour around the planet until they have a deep conversation with Banner.

Is that single conversation and the potential of an idea with the cliffhanger enough to keep fans going with this series? Truly, I’m not sure. A writer needs to hook the reader much earlier than now. And frankly, it’s a weak hook that we even have as Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 comes to a close. Nevertheless, I’m also aware that some writers tell a better story in trade than they do in single issues. Meaning, I can already tell fans that this may be a better story to read as a trade where it’s less obvious as to some of the single issue deficiencies. I’m still in merely because I feel like every fan needs to give a comic at least 3-6 issues before making a call to $&@& or get off the pot. However, Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #3 may be the deciding factor for me unless something explosive transpires to draw me into the story. Overall, Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 is certainly better than the first issue showing this reviewer that there is some promise here. Let’s see what happens in the next issue before we make the final judgment call. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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