Nightwing #98 Review

Writer: Tom Taylor

Art: Daniele Di Nicuolo, Adriano Lucas, Wes Abbott, and Bruno Redondo

Publisher: DC Comics


Release Date: November 15th, 2022

Nightwing meets Nite-Mite! (And Bitewing and Oracle and Daniele Di Nicuolo!) That’s right, that meddling Nite-Mite booped himself from the fifth dimension, and after reading Seven Secrets, he hitchhiked his way over with Di Nicuolo into our Nightwing series as Tom Taylor’s Nightwing continues in Nightwing #98! Trust me, you’re not going to want to miss this one.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Nightwing #98 Review.

If you’re interested in something fun that’s actually pretty corny, then this week’s Nightwing #98 is right up your alley. For the most part, it’s a stand-alone issue. Sure, there is some background to get you to this point, however, as long as you know that Nite-Mite just arrived on the scene AND that he’s a fifth-dimensional imp, you’ll be all caught up.

Readers will get a few Ric Grayson jokes, Starfire “shipping”, mullet jokes, Demon charged escrima sticks, and yes Dick’s very own fifth-dimensional imp with all the fixings. Yet even with all the trimmings, what readers will find is a silly story wrapped around some key facts about Blockbuster and the need for someone to take over that role. Overall, Nightwing #98’s silly exterior may leave a bad taste in your mouth if you’re new to the series and give the comic more of a comedic feel than a serious tone. Long-time Tom Taylor Nightwing fans may look at Nightwing #98 as a fun little escape from the norm. I find myself leaning more towards the goofy side of things but not so bad that it’s not worth the buy.


It’s actually the art that amps up the cartoonish, comedic appeal. The mannerisms and facial expressions by Daniele Di Nicuolo and Adriano Lucas borderline Teen Titans Go at some points and place Nightwing #98 in a more kid-like atmosphere alleviating the seriousness. It’s the art team that ultimately takes away the power and weight of this installment. Nevertheless, with this being a guest artist, there is a solid chance that this is what Taylor wanted for the issue anyway.


Nightwing #98 was fine, however, my nervousness is that many fans are going to deem this issue as something revolutionary when it’s not. Nightwing now has a fifth-dimensional imp of his own that’s surprisingly a bit tamer. The comic is reasonably humorous and got this reviewer to at least crack a smile. However, it elevates the goofy and attempts to be funny while mixing in some art that should place this on Saturday Morning. Sure, it’s entertaining and certainly fun, just like the Flash book (which is out this week btw).

However, the entertaining humor in the Flash is so much more natural than what Taylor attempted here in Nightwing #98. Overall, if you are already locked in on Nightwing and have this on your pull list, then go snag the copy. Otherwise, you don’t need to go out of your way to pick this special issue up. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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