I Am Iron Man #1 Review

Writer: Murewa Ayodele

Art: Dotun Akande and VC’s Joe Caramagna

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $3.99

Release Date: March 1st, 2023

Beneath the red and gold armor is a hopeless romantic, a genius inventor, a war hero, a billionaire, an Avenger, a person, Tony Stark. Dynamic Duo Murewa Ayodele and Dotun Akande unite again to journey through the rich history of Iron Man telling stories never seen before that are set in iconic eras of ol’ Shellhead. No better way to celebrate Iron Man’s 60TH ANNIVERSARY than getting to watch him be the Earth’s mightiest hero who we love so much in this week’s I Am Iron Man #1. Kaiju battles under the sea, alien invasions in the desert, a rescue mission in outer space, all that and more are to be expected in this new series – ideal for readers new to Iron Man and longstanding fans of the Golden Avenger.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the I Am Iron Man #1 Review.


This is a cross-time adventure that’s incredibly smooth and easy to follow. No background is needed for anyone to dive right in. All you need is a love of Iron Man. Ultimately, the premise is a villain across time that appears to be interested in a showdown with Iron Man. So, readers get to see this villain pop in and out of Tony’s life. Therefore, fans get blessed with an array of different armor as well as different attitudes of one Tony Stark. I Am Iron Man #1 is a creative take on the character in which I was incredibly shocked to enjoy. Maybe it was the title that threw me off. Either way, this first installment was surprisingly good.

Yet, as intriguing as this inaugural issue was, certain aspects of it were a bit confusing. There is a point in the story where Iron Man fights the “villain” for the second time and it’s hard to decipher if the fight is happening in a dream state or if there are numerous robotic armors that aren’t working all at once. I think it’s a mix between the writing and renderings that makes this scene hard to comb through, especially on the first read-through. Nevertheless, the picture does become clear as this creative team points out the future mistakes of one Tony Stark and how he has to come to terms with how his intellect destroys millions even though he was attempting to save them. It’s a very powerful message brought to you by… Jem and the Holograms… no lie.

Additionally, another reason why you should pick this series up is that it appears as though each individual issue of I Am Iron Man  is a standalone story. It’s self-contained. So, you can pick it up whenever you’d like and read the heck out of it without any prior knowledge before or after. Moreover, the last page/ letter from the creative team was enough to win this reviewer over to the series. This team states, “We are big fans of Iron Man, and this series is our love letter to fellow fans of the character. Join us for future issues as we explore more of our favorite eras of Iron Man.” Readers, that’s what it’s all about right there. That’s what I wish we would get from every creative team. The passion for the character is real and upfront. I now do not doubt that this team is going to give it their all in each issue. Readers, go grab I Am Iron Man #1 today. It’s definitely a blast!


I Am Iron Man #1 was a fun story that showcases the heart of one Tony Stark. Through all the sarcasm, money, and humor, he’s truly a man of the people who cares for all life over his own. This story just glows with how much this entire creative team is enamored with the character. Moreover, the art is so incredibly clean and smooth. The colors are lighter with this almost polished gloss to them that’s so inviting, especially to a new reader. The spacing and panel layouts were widespread which provided the perfect break for the eyes making this story easy to follow allowing for sensational pacing and storytelling.

All this being said, the most confusing part of the entire issue was this name, “Jerrica Benton”. Is Tony truly fighting Jem from Jem and the Holograms? Is Jem at Marvel Comics now or was that just a snarky retort to make fun of the “villain”? I need to know… Anyway, overall, I think Iron Man fans will enjoy the heck out of this issue and I feel that this creative team’s enthusiasm and creativity shine through masterfully. I Am Iron Man #1 is an easy read for any age and any fan of the character at all levels.


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