Green Lantern #10 Review

Writer: Jeremy Adams

Art: Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $4.99

Reviewed by: Anonymous

Release Date: April 9th, 2024

With Hal’s ring newly recharged, he leaves Earth for Oa to uncover the mystery surrounding the Central Power Batteries, while Carol makes a choice that will change her destiny forever! Plus: Kevin Maguire joins Green Lantern architect Jeremy Adams to tell the tale of Guy Gardner, the United Planets, Lobo and… Wrestling? It’s “Guy’s Bogus Lobo Adventure part 1 of 3!” Let’s dive into Green Lantern #10 by Jeremy Adams and see how this shakes out!

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Green Lantern #10 blasts off with two separate stories connected by the “House of Brainiac” event rocking the DC Universe. Writer Jeremy Adams keeps the action moving at a fast pace as Hal Jordan, with a finally recharged ring, rockets towards Oa, the Green Lantern homeworld, to investigate the strange happenings with the Central Power Battery. Meanwhile, back on Earth, Carol Ferris grapples with a life-altering decision that will undoubtedly affect her future and her ties to the Green Lanterns.

Additionally, Green Lantern #10 by Jeremy Adams delivers a two-pronged attack on the reader’s senses. The main story follows Hal Jordan, his Green Lantern power ring finally juiced up, as he blasts off for Oa. Yet, a mystery surrounds the Central Power Batteries, and Hal’s determined to get to the bottom of it. Moreover, the issue wastes no time in throwing Hal back into the thick of things. Adams captures Hal’s determination as he races towards Oa, his narration reflecting on the recent events that drained his ring and the lingering unease about the Green Lantern Corps. Yet, the mystery surrounding the Central Power Battery deepens as Hal arrives on Oa to find…well, that would be spoiling the surprise! Let’s just say things are not what they seem, and Adams throws in a suspenseful cliffhanger that will leave readers eager for the next issue.

Additionally, Green Lantern #10 also features a fun back-up story penned by Adams with art by the legendary Kevin Maguire. This opening chapter throws Guy Gardner into a hilarious situation involving the United Planets, the intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo, and the unexpected world of professional wrestling! Maguire’s art perfectly captures Guy’s brash personality and the over-the-top nature of the scenario. This is a side adventure that promises pure entertainment.


Green Lantern #10 features two artistic heavyweights. Xermánico tackles the Hal Jordan portion, bringing a dynamic and detailed style to the cosmic journey. The space scenes are particularly awe-inspiring, while the emotional weight of Hal’s mission is conveyed clearly through facial expressions. Xermánico’s art shines during these spacefaring sequences, depicting the vastness of space and the sleek design of Hal’s Green Lantern construct with impressive detail. For Guy Gardner’s romp, legendary comic book artist Kevin Maguire joins the fray. Maguire’s signature cartoony style injects humor and kinetic energy into the bizarre team-up, perfectly capturing the bombastic personalities of Guy and Lobo.


Green Lantern #10 is a solid issue that effectively balances the main story’s intrigue with the light-hearted fun of Guy’s backup adventure. Adams lays the groundwork for a thrilling mystery on Oa, while Maguire injects humor into the issue with his take on Guy Gardner. This is a must-read for Green Lantern fans, particularly those who enjoy the spacefaring adventures of Hal Jordan and the unpredictable antics of Guy Gardner. Pick up Green Lantern #10 if you’re a Green Lantern fan or enjoy space opera adventures. If you appreciate offbeat humor and superhero team-ups with a twist, this issue is worth a look.


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