Green Arrow #7 Review

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Art: Sean Izaakse, Phil Hester, Trevor Hairsine, Ande Parks, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Troy Peteri

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: December 26th, 2023

OLIVER QUEEN IS BACK! He’s returned with his family to the present day, but the Green Arrow family reunion is just getting started! Green Arrow still has lots of secrets to uncover. Like, why has Amanda Waller taken an interest in his family? Let’s dive into Green Arrow #7 by Joshua Williamson and find out!

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So, Green Arrow #6 was a dud. The actual first story arc to bring back Ollie was a flop. So, what made me interested in Green Arrow #7? Short answer: Hope. I’ve always loved the character. I hoped Williamson could right the ship. I hoped a new story arc with Ollie being back could present a more realistic purpose and story that made sense. And truthfully, I was correct. Green Arrow #7 showed promise, direction, and ambition.

Long story short, it looks like Green Arrow might be getting the band back together. And I like THIS Green Arrow. He commands the room, looks like a leader, has his head on straight, has the finances, and the resources to get the Justice League back to what it was. Let’s be real, what is DC without the Justice League? It’s been weird, to say the least. We now have Supercorp, Batman is going nuts, Green Lantern’s ring issues, family time for the Flash’s, and Wonder Woman isn’t on good terms with our own government. How can the League be so messed up? Why has DC decided to go in this direction? Well, my hope is Green Arrow can bring it all back together. And, it looked like that was the premise behind Green Arrow #7.

Williamson gives fans the background as to the lay of the land these past couple months. By using Ollie as the means to pop around and catch up with the Justice League members, anyone reading the title can see the scope of the DC Landscape. It was actually done quite well. Plus, not only do we want the League back in action BUT I think Green Arrow at the helm would be awesome! I’d buy the heck out of that book with the right writer!


Green Arrow #7 was a nice surprise. Even if you’re not a huge fan of the character or haven’t been reading Green Arrow, Williamson does a phenomenal job taking a pulse of what’s been happening throughout DC Comics this past year. Picture this issue like cliff notes. So, if you have been interested in getting back into DC Comics, I’d pick this issue up post haste. If you’re a Green Arrow fan, Green Arrow #7 was nothing like the prior installments. It has direction, purpose, and sanity. All aspects that were missing from the prior issues. And if this reviewer is correct, I think it will be Mr. Queen who initiates getting the band back together again. And honestly, who doesn’t want to see the Justice League back in action? Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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