Green Arrow #5 Review

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Art: Sean Izaakse, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Troy Peteri

Publisher: DC Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: October 24th, 2023

Past, present, and future Oliver Queens fight for who gets to return home as Green Arrow #5 by Joshua Willimason kicks off! But at what cost?! Arsenal and Black Canary are joined by an unlikely ally in their hunt for Amanda Waller, and they uncover a large piece of the Dawn of DC puzzle!

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More twists and turns are unraveled as Green Arrow #5 pushes through in this week’s adventure. Things aren’t exactly as they seem in the future or the past. And in terms of the actual “story” itself, Williamson does a fine job of adding a sense of mystery to the comic. Who’s behind all of this? And why do we continue to push Ollie through time? Well, we still have no clue. Now, I’m not going to lie… somehow I’m still intrigued. But, there is still a part of me that’s starting to get tired of this story already.

Additionally, the side story with the future as well as with Roy was definitely lacking in this week’s Green Arrow #5. Granted, Williamson gave us the most interesting aspects of the story this week focusing on Ollie. Nevertheless, other than the sick reveals, we get nothing new. Now, my favorite aspects of this issue were by far the scenes surrounding Ollie and his future self. Moreover, the shocking and unexpected twists certainly drove me deeper into the story. It was a great plot thread for Williamson to pull at. However, we moved right past it and immediately dove into another funky plot thread without rhyme or reason. If anything, as crazy as these twists and cliffhangers are, we aren’t getting anything from them or value other than the shock effect. Honestly, as much fun as Green Arrow #5 was, my leash is even shorter after this week.


Sean Izaakse, Phil Hester, Ande Parks, and Romulo Fajardo Jr. do a great job showcasing Ollie’s emotions this week. Readers can certainly feel his pain. Moreover, the heated argument between Roy and Jade also showcased some powerful sentiments in the story. Plus, the colors mixed with the splash page placement and panel progressions were extremely well done this week. There is no doubt that this art team is a huge highlight of Green Arrow #5.


Green Arrow #5 will definitely keep you interested from start to finish with the crazy, dynamic twists. However, I can’t help but wonder where this story is going and why. All we get is Waller. Okay… but what does she get out of this and why? If we don’t get more soon, I may have to call this series quits. We can only hang in there for so long without any direction or purpose. Sure, the mystery has worked to this point as well as the curve balls thrown in this story. But, at some point, we need answers. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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