Ghost Rider #18 Review

Writer: Benjamin Percy
Artist: Carlos Nieto
Colors: Bryan Valenza
Letters:  VC’s Travis Lanham
Publisher:  Marvel Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 13th, 2023

Talia Warroad, witch, former member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and current partner of Johnny Blaze, gets the focus in Ghost Rider #18.  The issue gives her painful backstory, where even as a young girl she had to deal with all types of monsters, human and inhuman.  It’s a tale both horrifying and touching.  And what part does Doctor Strange play in Talia’s past?

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Ghost Rider #18 Review.

The Story

Ghost Rider is best when it goes heavy on the horror.  Too often, Ghost Rider has been shoe horned into the bright side of the Marvel Universe alongside the pantheon of Marvel superheroes, hanging out with the Champions and in later incarnations even joining the Fantastic Four and the Avengers. The current run of Ghost Rider has gone back to embracing horror and Ghost Rider #18 is especially rife with chills, Talia Warroad’s story full of malevolent ghouls and creatures that haunt the shadows and darkness.

The book goes all the way back to Talia as a Kindergartener, where we see even then that she had determination and fortitude.  From that time on, she seems to be constantly besieged by monsters that no one else can see, monsters that pop up everywhere, especially at night when she tries to go to sleep. It’s hard to tell who to feel more sympathy for, Talia or her parents.  Her parents are surprisingly nurturing and supportive of her, but Talia seems to hate them, lashing out at them at every opportunity.  You have the feeling that if she had embraced them and let them help her, things would have been much different for her.

Their only problem is they’re comically awkward at times.  It’s like having June and Ward Cleaver from “Leave it to Beaver” as parents, trying to rein in a demonic daughter. The book does a great job of putting the reader in Talia’s shoes.  She sees monsters everywhere and we see them also, to the point where you wonder where one is going to pop up next and it ratchets up the anxiety throughout the book. Talia is a great character and this issue gives you a perfect overview of her history and who she is, setting up a new storyline (featuring a classic Marvel villain who Ghost Rider has had many run-ins with in the past) that will begin next issue.

The Art

Carlos Nieto’s art on Ghost Rider #18 has a classic EC Comics feel, the monsters being twisted, fierce and grotesque and everything throughout the book covered in shadows. Talia’s is covered with tattoos and piercings, giving her a unique look and style.  She has a look that’s a perfect combination of goth and punk.

Final Thoughts

Ghost Rider #18 is the perfect overview of Talia and her personality, showing what makes her tick and the demons she continually faces every day.  For anyone who loves the character, this is a must buy.  If you’re unfamiliar with the character but love horror stories, it’s also a must buy.  There are several chilling scenes throughout the book and it’s a great set-up for the storyline kicking off next issue.


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