Fantastic Four #43 Review

Writer: Dan Slott

Artists: Rachel Stott & Andrew Di Vito

Color Artist: Jesus Aburtov

Cover Artist: Cafu

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Reviewer: StoryBabbler

The Reckoning War is nearing its end as many pieces are coming together. The Fantastic Four are divided as they execute a risky plan, the Human Torch is gathering allies in outer space, and Uatu and Nick Fury are stuck trying to learn the Watchers’ secrets. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom is finally making his move in Fantastic Four #43, which might turn the tide of this whole conflict.


So, throughout this story arc, the Reckoning War has been setting up Doctor Doom as a major player in this story but he was nowhere to be found. Now, he’s front and center as he works his own plan into motion that will help him end this conflict. We see Dan Slott once more cash his chips on previous ideas he introduced and never elaborated on, such as the alien Cormorant character from Fantastic Four #33 who showed up and was never seen nor heard from since until now.

The comic has a series of minor developments that cover what’s happening with various characters during this point in the Reckoning War. There are developments for the Alicia and the kids back at the Baxter Building, Mr. Fantastic’s team in the poisoned space of the Reckoning, and even the Human Torch gets some time on the page. These developments are minuscule compared to the big fight between Doctor Doom and the Cormorant, but the real story is with Uatu and his allies Nick Fury and the Invisible Woman.


Doctor Doom’s fight with the Cormorant brings the spectacle to this comic while Uatu’s side of things brings some substance as it somewhat advances the main story. The art by Rachel Stott and Andrew Di Vito with Jesus Aburtov’s colors are best displayed with Doctor Doom and Uatu’s stories as both halves bring the most action, drama, and enjoyment in this comic. The art and colors are shown in their most energetic form with Doom’s explosive fight with the Cormorant while Uatu’s portion makes the most of the art in character interactions.

The comic wasn’t the most dynamic comic in Reckoning War, but it did advance the overall Reckoning War but not always in the most seamless way possible. Doom’s fight is cool to see, but there’s not that much actually happening in the fight, and even Uatu’s portion of the story was more expository than it was compelling. Plus, it’s always cool to see Dr. Doom in action with some good dialogue and smack talk.

Speaking of smack talk, one nitpick I have with the comic is that Dan Slott really goes overboard with the Comorant’s takedown of the lesser-known superheroes before his big fight with Doom. Some of it just feels a little more mean-spirited than it really needs to be, as shown in the Cormorant’s dialogue about each of them. What’s worse is that it’s not like there was any buildup to these characters showing up, they just show up and were unceremoniously beaten in the blink of an eye.

Final Thoughts:

Fantastic Four #43 has Doctor Doom face off against the mysterious alien warrior called the Cormorant. While seemingly a one-off character, the comic does delve into the Cormorant a little that explains his relevancy now in the Reckoning War. The art from Rachel Stott and Andrew Di Vito with Jesus Aburtov’s colors is at its best in the fight between Doctor Doom and the Cormorant. There are a series of side developments shown along with Doctor Doom’s big fight, some of which advance the Reckoning War’s main story.


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