Blue and Gold #1 Review

Writer: Dan Jurgens

Art: Ryan Sook and Rob Leigh

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: July 20th, 2021

Price: $3.99

Frantic to repossess the limelight, BOOSTER GOLD wants to captivate his audience (but mainly the JUSTICE LEAGUE) by any means necessary. And that “means” consists of social media attention, quick fame, money endorsements, and any cheap trick a washed-up, C- List hero would try to spin to catch the public eye. However, when this washed-up “never was” gets in over his head, he recruits the assistance of his best friend, the BLUE BEETLE, who retains two things Booster doesn’t have: capital and intelligence. Let’s dive into BLUE AND GOLD #1 as Dan Jurgens makes his proud return to BOOSTER GOLD with a tale chalked full of compassion and redemption for two of DC COMICS’ beloved longshots!

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


Booster is back. And who better to write him than his creator, Dan Jurgens? In recent years, we’ve experienced some strangely different incarnations of the character (to say the least). Yet, Jurgens spends the opening pages of this issue getting BOOSTER GOLD back to the crux of his character. He’s what you’d expect, what you’d remember, and paired with his best friend Ted Kord in a rather abrupt, semi-forced way. However, in Jurgens defense, how can you quickly get these two back together without sacrificing an entire issue or even arc? You really can’t … unless you make it happen with some leverage. And, Jurgens does so with a bit of finesse.

Now, after moving past the forceful pairing of the BLUE AND GOLD team, Jurgens reinforces exactly what longtime fans remember about the duo with a mix of modern culture sprinkled in. It’s as if Jurgens is giving fans a more updated version of this underdog team-up for our current generation. If anything, Booster fits better in our current culture than he did those many years ago when he was first introduced. With such avenues as GoFundMe and Podcast Patrons, the world is literally Booster’s oyster, and Jurgens hammers that point home flawlessly.

Furthermore, the pairing of these two comes across perfectly as the buddy cops of yore. I find myself reminiscent of Riggs and Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon. The comedic and slapstick of Booster tangled with the brilliant, straight-laced, and loyal BLUE BEETLE is exactly the coupling you’d expect while also being precisely what’s been missing at DC COMICS. Shades of humor and witty banter combined with smart, clever, dysfunctional success provide readers with an atmosphere that’s colorful and entertaining in the process.


Look no further than the Skeets/ Ted Kord introduction to see the detail oozing off each panel. Or, take a hard look as Booster fights off lasers to see the look on his face as he escapes by the skin of his teeth. Ryan Sook exemplifies the emotions of the characters practically getting the reader to feel alongside this BLUE AND GOLD team. Boosters excitement and charm within these pages, as well as Ted’s anger and empathy, are solely thanks to Sook’s artistic style morphed and mold through some of the greats like Mike Mignola. Sook sets the scene well and puts readers in the driver’s seat of the issue. What a truly excellent job by everyone involved.


DC’s dynamic duo is finally back together in this week’s BLUE AND GOLD #1. Fans will get a return to the classic characters with a little spice that updates this pairing for modern readers filled with excitement, humor, and intrigue. BOOSTER GOLD fans will see a return to his typical behavior while BLUE BEETLE fans will leave this issue with a revitalization of Ted Kord. BLUE AND GOLD looks like readers are in store for some wild adventures on the horizon. Adventures that may test their new business relationship as well as their friends in the process. It’s the series you didn’t know you needed. So, check it out, let me know what you think, and God bless!


2 thoughts on “Blue and Gold #1 Review

  1. This is such a regression for Booster who had become a Time Master since the New 52! This just throws him back in time for fan service. Jurgens then just mentions everything that Ted has gone through the last ten years in one panel without making it feel like anything mattered.

    1. Thanks for the read! I appreciate you reading the review. As for your opinion, I can see where you’re coming from. I can. However, the “mentioning everything quickly” part was just to get the story moving. If he took the time to mention everything the two have Ben through, he wouldn’t be able to fit it all in one issue. So, Jurgens had to do that to push forward and tell a new story. As for Booster, I feel like a majority of his character since 1985 has been this way.. this Booster we saw in this issue. The blimp was the New 52, which is why I feel like the creator of the character especially should have the premise, direction, and idea of the character. So I can totally get behind this. Plus, we don’t know what Jurgens will dig back up as we run through this story. Who knows? It’s only been one issue. He could bring up the time master elements, more with max lord… who knows. And also, not many people like the new 52 and what transpired. So it’s possible Jurgens just wants to forget about all that…. Who knows? But I do know it’s too early to tell. From what I read in this issue and the direction, it looks like he wants to get the characters back to their roots. It stinks for people who loved that booster. But maybe elements of that will be on the horizon? Thanks again for the read and comments. Great thoughts!!!!

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