Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 Review

Writer: Amanda Deibert
Art: Lucas Marangon and Michael Atiyah
Letters: Comicraft’s Tyler Smith and Jimmy Betancourt
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 24th, 2022

Dark Horse now has the license to publish all-ages Star Wars comics, and they kick off this new era with Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1, an anthology comic with each issue set in different Star Wars time periods and with a rotating set of creators.  This issue is set firmly in the Clone Wars era, as Padme Amidala and Wookie Senator Yarua are ambushed by Separatists while on a diplomatic mission.  And who comes to their rescue?   Here comes Obi-Wan and Anakin!

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 Review.

The Story

Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 moves at a brisk pace and that’s why it works so well.  In an age of storylines that are decompressed out to 4 or even 12 issues, it’s nice to pick up an issue of a comic and get a complete story in one part.

The trinity of Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan get to shine this issue, and we see more of Anakin’s impatience and quick temper that will ultimately be his downfall.   With Padme being kidnapped by the Separatists, Obi-Wan takes a methodical approach in finding her while Anakin takes the “decimate the forest with a lightsaber” approach.

Obi-Wan, as always, is patient with Anakin.  The two make a great fighting pair, but Anakin’s outbursts get SUPER annoying at times.  If I were Obi-Wan, I’d make several smacks on the head part of the official Padawan training experience.

As the duo search for Padme, they come across Senator Yarua’s daughter hiding in fear.  The rest of the issue finds the trio setting out to rescue Senator Yarua and Padme, culminating in a great battle with the Separatist droids and another face-off between Obi-Wan and General Grievous (complete with those awesome whirling lightsabers).  There’s a startling ending to the story that I didn’t see coming.

As much as I love Jedi combat, it’s fun seeing Padme in action too.  It reinforces the fact that she’s Princess Leia’s daughter every time she picks up a blaster rifle and starts thrashing some of those “Roger Roger” spewing enemy droids.

Speaking of those droids, does anyone think those things are a threat?  I find them more cute than threatening.  As ineffectual as the Stormtroopers are during the Rebellion era, they’re practically a Darth Insidious-level threat compared to the Separatist droids.  One scene this issue uses the droids for comic effect.   Personally, every time I hear (or read) them chirp out “Roger, Roger” I laugh a bit, but in large numbers, at least, they seem to be formidable.  It’s fun seeing Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padme battling them again.

The Art

Lucas Marangon’s art on Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 has an almost manga style.  The characters are drawn in a less realistic, more animated way. All the Star Wars tech (including the lightsabers) are drawn with more detail than the characters themselves. The action scenes are depicted well, especially Obi-Wan’s battle with General Grievous.

Final Thoughts

Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories #1 is a great beginning to this new Dark Horse series.  It features a story set in one of the most beloved Star Wars time periods, has some good banter between Obi-Wan and Anakin, and has some great action scenes complete with a surprising ending.


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