Star Wars #12 Review

Writer: Charles Soule

Artist: Ramon Rosanas

Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg

Cover Artists: Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz & Rain Beredo

Reviewer: StoryBabbler

Previously, the Rebel Alliance was desperate to establish a new means of secured communication between its forces. However, it came a cost for various members of the Rebellion and nearly cost Lando one of his oldest friends, Lobot. The Rebels’ Starlight Squadron was caught in an ambush by Grand Moff Tarkin’s ruthless protege, Commander Zahra, but managed to succeed in their mission on the skin of their teeth. But their leader, Shara Bey, mother of Poe Cameron, didn’t escape with them. Star Wars #12 shows readers the toll it’s taking on her husband, Kes Dameron.

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So, this review will be pretty brief in order to discuss spoilers. The comic is exactly what the synopsis says: Kes Dameron and Leia Organa are reminiscing about their two lost loves, Shara Bey and Han Solo. Specifically, how the former met his wife while Leia tells a story about Han and Chewie that explains why she loves him and what he means to the Rebellion.

Learning about how Dameron’s parents met isn’t that exciting but it is fine and works in the setting of Star Wars. It’s certainly tame compared to the story Leia tells, which goes all the way back to right before the beginning of the Empire Strikes Back. The story certainly highlights the character of Han Solo and does good work when it comes to depicting his personality and dynamics with Leia and Chewie, as if they were lifted right from the movie. It highlights his bravery, his resourcefulness, and his commitment to his friends and even the Rebellion.


So, this comic is very skippable for most readers. The meeting between the Damerons isn’t that thrilling. Essentially, Kes, Poe’s father, was partying up with one of his friend’s who’s getting married on a casino in Galator III, a knock-off Canto Bight set up on waterfalls that’s better than the original. Near the end of the celebrations, Kes decides to bet on one of the races there and won, and it turns out Shara was the winner and they later met when Kes congratulated her.


And that’s about all you get from that. They got married a few years later then ended up joining the Rebellion. And surprise, surprise, Shara ends up contacting the rebels by the end of the comic from within a Star Destroyer, having camped out somewhere inside the ship. The comic ends on her about to give Leia important news but never says what it is. Hopefully, the comic picks up again with the next story with Luke (using a yellow lightsaber), Chewie, 3PO, and R2 actually looking for Han.

Final Thoughts

This comic is basically a cool down before the next big story arc. For fans of Poe Dameron or his parents, this may be the comic for you. But for anyone looking for an eventful Star Wars comic, then they’ll have to wait till the story picks up in the next issue.


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