Shazam! #2 Review

Writer: Tim Sheridan

Art: Clayton Henry, Marcelo Maiolo, and Rob Leigh

Publisher: DC Comics

Release Date: August 17th, 2021

Price: $3.99

Hell is known for its many seductions and interruptions. Well, nothing’s as it seems as Billy Batson searches for the missing Rock of Eternity alongside his guide from TEEN TITANS ACADEMY. Now, SHAZAM! must square off against terrors and would-be emperors of the netherworld. However, even with the Power of SHAZAM!, Billy discovers he’s outmatched and outperformed. Let’s soar into SHAZAM! #2 by Tim Sheridan as Billy’s friend, Dane, unearths a shocking secret that will transform his connection with Billy and the new TEEN TITANS ACADEMY permanently.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


For fans digging TEEN TITANS ACADEMY, SHAZAM! is right up your alley. It has the same fun, flare, and excitement with a more magic-based focus. Billy and Dane provide the same feel that belongs to a young reader’s comic, however, with more grown-up-oriented undertones. Nevertheless, the climate and enthusiasm aren’t the only aspects of the comic that warrant value and credibility. SHAZAM! #2 reads extraordinarily fast with some sly, almost witty humor that develops a solid rhythm throughout the issue.

This SHAZAM! title continues to focus more on Billy rather than SHAZAM! with his powers on the fritz. Thus, fans looking for the Power of SHAZAM! to encapsulate them will be severely disappointed. Again, only seven out of twenty-two pages had the super-powered hero present. Yet, the pages containing SHAZAM! were extremely explosive showcasing a battle between him and Sulibak that truly breathed life into the issue.


Now, as fun as SHAZAM! #2 was, Clayton Henry and Marcelo Maiolo are what truly made this issue outstanding in their field. Somehow, these two managed to make the underworld bright and vibrant. The colors remained darker yet smooth, child-like, and easy on the eyes. Moreover, the edgy, crazed, and almost desperate temperament of Billy cascades through the issue placing the reader practically alongside this intriguing duo. And if you need more evidence to check this series out, the full-page spread of Billy’s transformation was downright phenomenal.


SHAZAM! #2 is not what you’d expect nor is it your normal storyline that fits the character. Yet, somehow this creative team puts forth a wildly entertaining story with terrific illustrations that make this series loads of fun. A SHAZAM! story with little SHAZAM! and a clone of John Constantine set in the underworld truly doesn’t sound enticing. However, this team finds a path to deliver fast and furious excitement through such an impressive means. SHAZAM! enthusiasts need to check this out as well as readers invested in comics that explore the mystic arts. There is no doubt that Tim Sheridan and his team get the job done this week. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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