Infinite Frontier #3 Review

Writer: Joshua Williamson

Art: Paul Pelletier, Jesús Merino, Tom Derenick, Raul Fernandez, Norm Rapmund, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Tom Napolitano, Xermanico, and Mitch Gerads

Publisher: DC Comics


Release Date: July 27th, 2021

Readers are introduced to even more new characters, lost heroes, and factory resets of past villains as INFINITE FRONTIER #3 by Joshua Williamson continues with blazing force. While Alan Scott and his son continue their hunt for Jade, President Superman leads the charge with Thomas Wayne and the Justice Incarnate across the Multiverse researching shuttle wreckage. Now, as enticing as these two aspects are, the most exhilarating narrative developments are centered around Roy Harper, the new BLACK LANTERN, and Barry Allen as he uncovers his mystery with Psycho Pirate.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


Now, the biggest problem in this issue of INFINITE FRONTIER was simply the focus of the comic. This week’s issue was a bit more choppy than the prior two installments. I understand that Williamson is attempting to cram a ton of information and intrigue into this event. However, it may be coming at the cost of the flow and development of the story. My hope is that future issues of INFINITE FRONTIER are more focused on one specific narrative. Granted, I’m sure each mini-narrative will collide before this series wraps. Yet, as soon as I felt as though I was gaining ground and direction, the story jumped like a hiccup I just couldn’t shake.

I’m sure people are interested in Alan Scott. Heck, I’m a huge Thomas Wayne Batman fan. However, readers barely uncover anything new about the FLASH and Psycho Pirate. That’s the story this reviewer is craving the most information on. Nevertheless, the development with Roy Harper is fascinating and well deserved. This character has been $&@$ on for so long. I hope that Roy finally gets the limelight that he deserves and has deserved for quite a bit now (cough… Cough… HEROES IN CRISIS). Furthermore, I found myself wildly intrigued as to what Director Bones is up to, which is certainly a testament to Williamson’s writing considering I’ve never been interested in him before.

Plus, can we continue to get recap pages like the one before INFINITE FRONTIER #3? This week, Williamson and his team did a recap page that was not only informative but was also done with class and taste that fit the story perfectly. I hope that other creative teams literally take a page out of their book!


The artistic highlights of this issue were also mirroring the narrative exploits of what this reader deemed the most interesting aspects of INFINITE FRONTIER. However, the cast of creative talent is immense. Therefore, with so many different facets and expertise, what many would deem eclectic and unique, this reviewer feels as though it added to the comics’ choppy and almost unsettling nature. The illustrations were fantastic when focused on the FLASH and even the BLACK LANTERN elements. Yet, when the emphasis was on the Justice Incarnate as well as Alan Scott, the art just didn’t seem to percolate with the narrative.


DC COMIC fans will still feel that sense of excitement as this new frontier continues to unravel within the pages of INFINITE FRONTIER. Readers will leave the issue with even more questions and very few answers. Will the issue keep you wanting more? Yes… but not only because of excitement… lack of answers and information. Yet, Williamson does a fantastic job keeping the reader on the edge. The new character insights and reveals were thrilling as well as the possibilities on the horizon for the DC COMIC landscape moving forward.

Nevertheless, I can’t help but shake the feeling that this series is feeling more and more like merely a snapshot introduction to new heroes that have been lost instead of a fortifying story for years to come. Is INFINITE FRONTIER simply DC REBIRTH 2.0 but a bit longer and spread out over many issues? Time will tell. However, that’s where this reviewer is leaning after three issues. Don’t get me wrong, INFINITE FRONTIER is the biggest thing at DC COMICS since the fitted shirts that get rid of men’s beer bellies. Therefore, if you’re a fan, you need to be reading this. My hope is simply that Williamson wrangles the different plot narratives back together quickly and points us in the direction of the Fireworks Factory before my intrigue turns into frustration.


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