Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #2 Review

Writer: Stephanie Phillips

Art: Carlos Magno, Espen Grundetjern, VC’s Travis Lanham, and Ryan Brown

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Price: $4.99

Release Date: November 15th, 2023

As the Howling Commandos struggle to decide the newly werewolfed Captain America’s fate, a miracle happens – and a new ally arrives as Capwolf & The Howling Commandos #2 by Stephanie Phillips continues. Meanwhile, their Nazi foes make a call that could change the tide of battle – and the fate of the world.


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Stephanie Phillips makes Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2 pretty straightforward and easy to follow. The Nazis are utilizing a serum to create super soldiers using a little bit of witchcraft and science mixed together. And this concoction basically creates werewolves with superhuman strength. Honestly, it’s pretty cut and dry. The best part of this installment is that Phillips irons out all the details in a pretty self-explanatory manner.

Moreover, Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2 is merely an action-packed escape issue that’s not meant to bend your mind with a clever plot but to simply orchestrate a fun read that takes the stress off of your everyday life. There isn’t anything fancy clamoring up the issue, however, you will love the Capwolf element and find it rather unique how the werewolf bite reacts to Cap. Additionally, I love the mild twist that Phillips provides with Cap and how the infection affects Cap differently than the rest.

Furthermore, I like the sly addition of the two female leads into the comic. Frankie brings that rough, smart, 1940s dame angle that you see in movies depicting that era well. Plus, we get Rōs, who appears to be this vampire/ witch perpetrating the villainous counterpart to that very same time era as well. It’s these two characters coupled with the Howling Commandos and Cap that make Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2 the perfect blend of action and story with the time era at hand.


Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2 is an action meets horror meets unconventional biopic set during WW2. Granted, I know it’s not technically a biopic BUT in essence, it is depending on how you view Captain America. Readers get a fun escape that’s exciting, easy on the eyes, and chalked full of action with a story that’s straightforward and uncomplicated. Mix that together with some art that amplifies the werewolf masterfully and you have one heck of a comic. I highly recommend giving Capwolf and the Howling Commandos #2 a shot. Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless!


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