Arcade Kings #5 Review

Writing & Art: Dylan Burnett

Letterer: Andworld Design

Colorists: Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Simona Ivrato, and Sharon Marino

Cover Art: Walter Baiamonte & Dylan Burnett

Publisher: Skybound

Price: $ 7.99

Release Date: 15 November, 2023


Ken arrives to fight his villainous father who is now stronger than ever before. The entire world witnesses the epic battle between father and son as they fight for the freedom of Joe, the other son, the brother. Arcade Kings #5 concludes the story of Ken and Joe and their fight for liberation from the evil clutches of Victor McMax.

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The Dispatch:

With this issue, Arcade Kings reaches its conclusion and pays off everything the story has been building up to this point. The issue illustrates Ken’s efforts to get his brother back from his adoptive father, Victor McMax. The execution of the finale is well done as the finale is cathartic and filled with adrenaline, action, emotion, and excitement. Certain sections of the plot still demand more exploration from the writer but will probably be covered in a sequel of sorts as one is teased towards the end of the issue. All characters that were set up to have characters have completed their arcs and I do not know how the writer can continue making them interesting for any sort of sequel or continuation. But, that is something that can be worried about much later. Right now the characters have received fitting conclusions.

Looking at the series as a whole the conclusion makes sense and is fitting but came a little too early. I think the story required a longer exploration of its themes, plot, and action. The 5-issue model is disadvantageous to the story and ultimately reduces the satisfaction one would receive at the end of the series.

The Art:

The visuals of Arcade Kings #5 are simply jaw-dropping. The effort put into making each page as impactful as possible is apparent from just one glance at the book. Dylan Burnett is one of the best artists working in the industry right now and someone needs to give him all the creative opportunities he wishes to indulge in. Each panel that depicts action is so well done that I wonder whether this is some of the greatest action put to page. The colors are done well and make the art of the book much more expressive which is of great importance to the feel of the books.

Final Thoughts:

Arcade Kings #5 delivers a visually stunning and emotionally charged conclusion to the saga of Ken and Joe’s battle against the formidable Victor McMax. The intense and cathartic finale, masterfully illustrated by Dylan Burnett, showcases the artist’s undeniable prowess in capturing the essence of action on each page.


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