A Calculated Man #1 Review

Writer: Paul Tobin

Artist: Alberto Alburquerque

Colorist: Mark Englert

Letterer: Taylor Esposito

Price: $3.99

Release Date: June 15, 2022

Reviewer: Lukke Sweet

A Calculated Man #1 by Paul Tobin follows a man known only as Jack Beans, a mob accountant turned informant for the U.S. Marshals. The only problem with all of that is that Jack also wants to take matters into his own hands as he sets out to take down The Keys.  After all, it’s only logical that the only way to stay safe is to eliminate every threat, or at least that’s how Jack views things.  Meanwhile, Jack’s contact with the Marshals is retiring and he is being passed on to a new agent, this time to a rookie.

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The Story

Jack Beans, the calculated man, is an extremely interesting and unique character.  Tobin has done a great job at drawing readers in by giving the character solid strengths, such as his mathematical abilities, and personality ticks, such as never being able to tell a lie.  Throughout the issue, readers are introduced to Jack’s backstory and motivations, which while hard to believe, are compelling.  It’s hard to write this review without giving too much away, but Tobin has done a tremendous job as he sets up a character-driven story and lays the ground with pitfalls for Jack to step into as he follows the most logical course of action to achieve freedom from The Keys.

The Art

A Calculated Man #1 has solid art provided by Alberto Alburquerque and Mark Englert. They work together well to create a backdrop that mirrors today’s world.  Alburquerque’s line work is top-notch, providing distinct looks for the characters and scenes within the book and truly shines in panels that feature the graffiti or tattoos that are seen throughout the story. Englert’s colors, while consistent and solid throughout the book, don’t feel as unique, with fewer stand-out panels.  

Final Thoughts

A Calculated Man #1 by Paul Tobin is a fascinating premise.  Tobin introduces the characters effectively through the use of 2 separate viewpoints, letting us see how Jack Beans views himself and how the U.S. Marshals view him.  Alberto Alburquerque and Mark Englert are an effective art team that helps to deliver a solid book.  Overall, this issue does a great job of introducing the premise and characters of the story and sets up an intriguing story that will have readers wanting to find out what Jack Beans is up to next.


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