Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 Review

Writer: Suzanne Cafiero
Art: Jeff Zornow and Ned Ivory
Letters: Ned Ivory and DC Hopkins
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 2nd, 2022

Candy Wolf, a member of Sweetie’s team who’s also a werewolf with an insatiable appetite for candy and blood, makes his first appearance in Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2, picking up moments after last issue’s events.  Like Sweetie, he’s a fascinating character.  What will he do with the two survivors of last issue’s Ice Cream Bunny bar massacre?  And what are Sweetie and her team’s ultimate goal?   All the answers are provided this issue!

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, then simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon as you read the Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 Review.

The Story

The world-building continues in Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 and I’m loving what’s been established so far. Sweetie herself only appears near the end of the issue, with the bulk of the issue focusing on her teammate Candy Wolf, as he confronts the owner of the Ice Cream Bunny and Pixie, the bar’s dancer.  But even though Sweetie isn’t around, her presence is still felt, and Candy Wolf not only cuts loose with his lycanthrope abilities, he gives backstory on himself and more backstory on Sweetie.

The issue feels very much like the Tarantino film “The Hateful Eight”, as four characters (Candy Wolf, Pixie the dancer, the owner of the Ice Cream Bunny bar and Tinsel the living Christmas Tree) confront each other inside the bar as a blizzard rages outside.
The bar owner comes off as a pretty one-note jerk, but it’s fun seeing he and Candy Wolf square off with each other. Pixie the dancer is sweet (no pun intended) and she represents the reader in the story.  She’s mostly bewildered at what’s going on and doesn’t want any violence.  But man, do we get some violence!

I enjoyed the revelations that are rolled out this issue.  There’s a structure and rules to what Sweetie does, right down to the markings she places on everyone she encounters, and the reason for those markings is also explained this issue.  Candy Wolf also hints at other members of Sweetie’s team who we’re yet to see, all based on mythical characters.   It opens up the possibility for a huge supporting cast in the future.

The Art

Jeff Zornow’s art and Ned Ivory’s colors in Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 continue the bright neon-style color scheme from last issue.  It’s a great contrast to the horror theme of the book. The characters (especially Candy Wolf) have fantastic designs, and when Candy Wolf transforms, it’s a chilling scene straight out of “The Howling”.
The snowy landscape of the city captures the feel of a cold winter night and gives extra atmosphere to the story.

Final Thoughts

Sweetie Candy Vigilante #2 is a beautifully drawn issue that provides more tantalizing information on Sweetie and her purpose.  This continues being a fun book, an urban fantasy story with a twist of 70’s style grindhouse horror.  Highly recommended.


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