Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow #2 Review

Writer: Chip Zdarsky

Artist: Pasquel Ferry

Publisher: Marvel

Price: $3.99

Release Date: May 13, 2021

Reviewed by: Rollo Tomassi


After the first issue set up, here we start to see Peter really turn towards the dark side as the Venom Symbiote is starting to control his behavior more. In this out of Continuity take, Spider-man starts to engage his rogues in a decisive way he never would have in the main 616 Marvel Universe. This includes him putting J. Jonah Jamison in his place in such a way that may either cause Spidey fans to cheer or cringe.

If you’re interested in this comic, series, related trades, or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.


The first thought I had when reading both the last issue and this one was, is this story really necessary? I mean one can argue no one superhero story is any more “necessary” than another. The problem here is the “What If Peter Parker became Venom?” story has been told before. Either indirectly by 30 years of Eddie Brock Venom stories. Or more directly in that Marvel already did a What If? Story about this long ago. What if? #4 from way back in 1989 told this story in a one-shot rather than need an entire mini-series to tell the story. Granted, that story was long ago and comics have a tradition of recycling old stories. So, Spider’s Shadow maybe deserves a pass here.

As with any What if? comic, what makes it appealing is the story is not beholden to continuity. Therefore, the reader can see things happen to characters here they never would in other books. For example, here we see several of Spidey’s rogue’s gallery get taken out. And by “taken out”, I think you know what I mean. There is a shocking cliffhanger that takes the story in an unknown direction.

As for Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow #2, it flows fine. I do feel like they might be dragging out the story to fit a trade. Nevertheless, this length can work if the point is to slowly show Peter succumb to his alien costume. Then, that could be interesting. However, that will depend on how subsequent issues handle the story.


As for the art, Ferry uses a simple, essentially cartoony style here. At times, it’s almost distracting from the darker story being told. It’s not that it’s bad. I like more detail in my art. Nonetheless, that’s just my personal taste. On another note, if you like Ferry’s art, I’d like to recommend the Adam Strange: Planet Heist story by DC he did years ago. That’s his best art in my opinion. The illustrations suit for more of a SCI-FI feel rather than a slightly more grounded Spider-Man story.


If you are interested in a Peter Parker Breaking Bad story, you might enjoy Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow. There are twists and turns you can’t get in a mainstream Marvel comic. If you don’t like to see Spider-Man turn into a bad guy, or don’t think this is an interesting What If? idea, then this might not be for you.



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