Gargoyles #11 Review

Writer: Greg Weisman
Art: George Kambadais
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 3rd, 2023

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At the end of last issue, we learned that Halcyon Renard was on his deathbed, and in Gargoyles #11, we learn who it is he plans to leave his legacy to. Aside from this, there is also more action between the Gargoyles and the mob families. Those who either didn’t watch the show or don’t care about Halcyon Renard as a character probably won’t appreciate this issue that much. It is told from the perspective of Brooklyn’s son, Nashville, who is eager to see his father’s bond with his rookery brothers.

We also see Elisa receive a lecture from her boss after she had been keeping her in the dark for years about her relationship with the gargoyles, especially Goliath. It also impacts Matt Bluestone, who also knew about the gargoyles and chose not to tell anyone. The consequences of keeping these secrets will most likely follow in the next issue. We do also see Renard’s relationship with his ex-wife, Anastasia, otherwise known as Titania, queen of the third race and how she still cares for him, despite her only taking on human form.


The art in Gargoyles #11 continues to remain consistent with what we’ve seen in previous issues. There are a lot of action sequences depicted of the gargoyles versus the mobsters, especially involving robots, also causing explosions to happen which really liven up the story from an artistic standpoint. Also, the page where everyone is gathered around Renard as he lie on his deathbed is depicted well and points to the heartache the characters feel as they know they’re about to lose someone close to them.


Gargoyles #11 does a good job of interconnecting plot points from the show, such as those surrounding the character of Halcyon Renard and the lack of transparency on the part of Elisa Maza, and by extension, Matt Bluestone. Although unless you’ve binged the series recently, you probably won’t be as impacted by this issue as the plot is heavily focused on particular plot points from the series that wouldn’t make sense to those who haven’t seen the show or need a refresher. It’s great for fans of the show, but they should give a little more background information for those who may need a reminder of the details from the show.


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