Wolverine #9 Review

Writer: Ben Percy

Art: Adam Kubert, Frank Martin, VC’s Cory Petit, and Tom Muller


Price: $3.99

Release Date: January 27th, 2021

A group of mercenaries infiltrated a black site and went after records of the Weapon X/ Team X program. Troubled about an apparent incident involving his past, WOLVERINE went searching for answers and investigated an underground auction specializing in rare items. Let’s cut into WOLVERINE #9 by Benjamin Percy to see what our dear friend Patch happens to uncover.

If you’re interested in this comic or any of the others mentioned, simply click on the title/link to snag a copy through Amazon.

Readers, this is what you’ve been waiting for since Ben Percy reignited the WOLVERINE series. This issue may very well be one of the best in his run to date. Percy delivers emotion and history to Logan in such a way that new and old fans alike will thoroughly appreciate. Plus, It’s just damn good writing! You see, many writers anymore forget to take the time to drop little plot nuggets throughout the story in hopes to better explain twists, turns, and big reveals later. However, Percy gradually unravels a key idea that doesn’t seem too important to the story until he rips it loose at the very end. Again, this was an extremely well-written issue by Ben Percy that truly adds depth to the long chronology between WOLVERINE and Maverick.

If you enjoy WOLVERINE, WEAPON X history, and witnessing a historic bond between mutants that are decades in the making, this issue is for you. Furthermore, this comic utilizes Tom Muller perfectly. Readers don’t need menus or recipes. They need information vital to the story. Sure, those past menus from Muller add a fun texture to the issue but they also waste the page count. However, Muller uses these pages in this issue to reconnect readers to the past and provide crucial Intel and background to the narrative that makes the story take shape. Overall, Percy and Muller carve out some powerful essentials to both key players that are just fascinating and worth your time.


I love character development, dialogue, and history when used effectively, especially when a writer can manage all of the above serenaded by bits of action. Percy weaves in an issue that’s an info dump… but it doesn’t feel that way when you’re finished. Readers, this is top-notch, master fiction at its finest this week. New WOLVERINE fans learn a ton while old fans get to peel back extra layers of the onion to truly see that special bond between Maverick and Logan that words can’t describe… except Percy finds a way. I’m super pumped to see where this is going and I hope Maverick isn’t going anywhere any time soon. This issue is deep, suspenseful, powerful, and captivating. Let me know what you think and remember, today is a victory over yourself of yesterday. Have a great week and God bless!


If you’re interested in WOLVERINE #9, click HERE to get a copy! If Percy’s WOLVERINE run is something you can really sink your claws into, click HERE to get related trades and comics. Additionally, if you’ve been really digging Hickman’s X-MEN, click HERE to get your hands on related Dawn of X trades, volumes, and issues. And finally, if you’re looking for something else to read, check out my Amazon Online Comic Shop by clicking HERE. Thank you all for the read and continued support. Stay safe and stay healthy.

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2 thoughts on “Wolverine #9 Review

  1. Thank you for the review. Wolverine continues to be one of the best X-Men titles out there right now with X-Force and Hellions and this issue proves why. It’s also a good refresher on Maverick. I love everything in this issue: the writing, Wolverine of course, the auction items, the villain intrigue, and seeing Maverick in style again.

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